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6 answers

if you are asking about budget planning then my advice is to read this article about managing your money : http://downint.googlepages.com/ManageYourMoney.html
they show you how to cut down expenses and how to plan your budget.

2006-12-08 11:50:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are a few factors that will affect you. Depending on whether you have children, if so their ages, and income level, outgoings, and finally reserves. If you are in the U.S then the first thing you should do is contact your local Community Action Center. There are programs where you may receive assistance with energy /utility costs. The program is called IHEAP. You may also be eligible to visit the Food Pantry each month. Ask your action center. Winter is now here, and the most important thing is to keep a roof over your head, and to keep warm. Contact your utility suppliers and see if they have a program for spreading the payments over the year by means of an Average Payment Plan. Check with your Social Security Service to see if you can be entitled to Food Stamps, or WIC.
Eliminate any unnecessary expense. Get rid of any monthly expense that is not essential. Believe me, when money gets tight, that's when the car breaks down, or the furnace packs up! If you have Broadband, change over to dial up. If you have long distance, change over to local. If you have satellite or cable, get rid of it. Cut your non-essential expenses to a minimum. If you take medications, see if the meds you take can be changed over to the generic brands, which Wal-Mart are selling for $4 for a months supply. This saved me over $200 per month. Once you have reduced your outgoings to less than your income, then you can start to see where you can improve your situation. If you owe high interest credit cards, see if you can switch the balance over to a 0% intro rate card. If not, see if a bank will consolidate the credit card debt for a low interest loan. If you lease a car, see if you can buy a cheap car, and save on the monthly expense. At least you'll own the cheap car! Make sure you don't let the stress take over your life. If you have student loan debt still, see if you can defer it for a while to give you some breathing room. If you default on student loans, they can usually only garnish 10% of your income and seize your tax returns. This could be a lot less than what you pay each month. If there is a chance that you may run into difficulty, Homestead your house. In the event of Bankruptcy or liens your home should be protected.

Finally, find out what are the income/asset thresholds for the assistance programs, you may just be earning just over it, which may prevent you from receiving hundreds of $ per month, because you earn $50 over the Threshold. Seek advice from your action center, welfare office, etc. Find out what is the maximum you can earn, or own, for your size family, and then make a decision which will best suit your families needs for the long term.

Don't break the law and receive benefits you are not entitled to. You will pay for it in the end.

If you are in the U.K. seek Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credits. Housing Benefit, Income Support, Council Tax Benefit, NHS Exemption Certificate, assistance with Water and Electricity bills. Information on these can all be found at your local Social Security Office. Visit them now, before things go wrong.

Don't be too proud. The hardest thing is accepting that you are living beyond your means. Once you realise this, and make the sacrifices needed, things can start to improve.

2006-12-08 21:08:08 · answer #2 · answered by Richard G 1 · 0 0

You can apply for disability if your unable to work and call your local social services for assistance as well. If your income is to high to recieve assistance I would look at how to cut your cost down. Call your electric and gas company and they can put you on a budget plan to lower your bills as well. You can use coupons or try your local save-alot or aldies is usually very reasonable for food products. Dollar stores,dollar general and family dollar you can get alot of name brand items for alot less then you would pay in a regular store. Also check goodwill stores and thrift stores for savings on clothes. I have found name brand clothes for half the prices and less in very good condition. good luck.

2006-12-08 17:58:51 · answer #3 · answered by hopefloats 3 · 0 0

Call your state housing, county housing, and local housing agencies. They can at least get you started with things like assistance with heating bills and then point you in the right direction.

You should try human services departments for assistance with like food stamps.

And of course, contract the company who you owe to, explain what is happening and they either may have programs or would have gotten this question before and could direct you straight to the agency who can help.

2006-12-08 17:46:38 · answer #4 · answered by dm_dragons 5 · 1 0

First, you cut your expenses. If this is a permanent issue, it's time to find a cheaper house. If only one person works, only one person needs a car. Sell your second vehicle.

2006-12-08 17:45:58 · answer #5 · answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7 · 1 0

http://www.storeburst.com could be of some help.

2006-12-08 19:08:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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