Pay off the credit cards first. Call the companies and see if you can get a lower rate while you're doing it. And figure out how to stop charging on your cards so you don't get more in debt. Learn to save by putting money in savings as soon as you get your paycheck, before you can spend it all. Cut out little expenses that add up: a $3 cup of latte every work day = $750 a year.
Oh, and it's worth it to take a finance course now through a community college, or a one-day course, or study it online.
I'd also look at to learn how you can invest for only a little money, so you can start dreaming about what stocks to buy when you have taken care of your debts.
2006-12-08 15:57:34
answer #1
answered by Katherine W 7
That depends on your credit card interest rate versus the interest rate you are earning on your savings.
Even so, I recommend that you keep at least 3 to 6 (best) months of living expenses in savings for emergency "at hand" money in savings.
Living expenses are more than just your bills, don't forget to add things like food, toiletries, gas for your car etc. Whatever you are spending each month now, is a good indication of what you will need. Start from there & then pare down non-essentials if you are faced with no income.
Being prepared will give you peace of mind while you pay off your debt. Then try my motto regarding credit cards "If I don't have the cash for it, It can wait".
Good old-fashioned common sense degree reguired.
2006-12-08 08:41:54
answer #2
answered by Patricia 1
when you mess up your credit,that is the worst thing you can do. don't mess that up it is hard to fix. if you have good credit and no money and a job, you can get anything you want. such as cars home and the necessities of life. i know i did not answer your question but do whatever it takes to keep good credit, because in the long run you are going to need your good credit like you need food. that how important it is.
2006-12-08 08:21:41
answer #3
answered by BLUE 3
Your short term goal should be $1,000 in savings (emergency fund) any money above that should go toward your debt......then build up your emergency fund ....
pay off the smallest balance first.....get that quick victory under your belt and that will motivate you to keep going until all your cards are paid off......most will say highest interest....but if you are serious......little victories will do you the most good short term.
2006-12-08 10:24:01
answer #4
answered by Paula M 5
Yes, pay off your high rate credit cards.
2006-12-08 08:21:59
answer #5
answered by Nelson_DeVon 7
read this good article about how to manage your money , sure it is worth reading it and i am sure it will answer your question :
they even offer you a month of free subscription to the money budgeting software " worth $10 per month "
2006-12-08 12:03:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous