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2006-12-08 18:48:51 · 22 answers · asked by partovy2000 1 in Business & Finance Personal Finance

22 answers

make my own business so i cood keep the wealth

2006-12-08 18:50:14 · answer #1 · answered by Best Guy 3 · 0 2

Invest the money - so I could keep making money from the money. Buy into some property and do it up, to make more money from it. I would give a percentage of my income to a nominated charity, so I could actively be involved with making sure my money benefitted others. I would most likely invest it within my country as I know there are loads of charities local to my area who would benefit from a regular extra cash source. I know this doesn't sound as exciting as saving starving children in Africa, but if I had a win I would want those who are a part of my everyday life ot benefit. I very much believe in the pay it forward principle, where if I look after my immediate environment that will turn influence another environment and so on!
Yeah, I might go a little wild, but I certainly wouldn't want to go down the route of being poor again, so I would make sure I was financially secure!

2006-12-08 19:01:35 · answer #2 · answered by waggy 6 · 0 0

Lets say you were $1 million rich. If you bought government bonds, you would have interest income of about $45,000 per year per tax, $32,000 after tax. You could have a nice living if you retired to a low cost state like Alabama.

For $10 million, buying govies would get you about $270,000 after tax. You could travel, afford a nice house in an urban area, even give some of it away to charity.

For $1 billion, govies would net you $27 million. You could afford several homes in various parts of the world, travel to those homes by private jet/copter, support several charities, and have enough money left over to run for political office. You could also afford major sport franchises, abet on an installment plan.

If you were Bill Gates rich and have idealistic leanings, you could buy up the major arms dealers of the world and shut them down. Unfortunately, new arms dealers would probably spring up to fill the void. So you might consider buying entire poor countries and making them economically viable, the surest way to reduce people's inclination to become terrorists.

Just my two cents for the use of wealth.

2006-12-08 19:05:55 · answer #3 · answered by CuriousGeorge 2 · 0 0

I will immediately pay back all the money my company owes, for the goods purchased during the last one year from our supplier, to keep my company floated.

I am reproducing my agony as expressed earlier in our Orkut forum so that our Dr. Yunus gets to see how the countrymen are still suffering for the lack of money. I would request an audience with this great man and share my life's view as to how we can reduce poverty in Bangladesh and how the present system is destroying entrepreneurship zeal. My posting's details were as follows:

I need money to keep employees from further retrenchment. This is a long story, but in a nut shell – we are reduced from 84 employees to now 32 employees with almost every month we have to retrench a few people just to keep on paying unjustified amount of VAT to the coffer of out Finance Ministry.

2006-12-08 19:11:18 · answer #4 · answered by Hafiz 7 · 0 1

If I got rich over night, I'd take all the grandchildren on a trip across the country, then to Europe, the far east, Australia, New Zealand and S. America. I'd skip the middle east.

2006-12-08 18:59:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would buy a little double-decker house boat and put her in somewhere around Victoria Island in British Columbia, to start, on which I would live and grow plants and flowers and tomatoes and trees for pleasure in an upper deck hothouse and continue writing for kids and teaching about nature without money worries.

2006-12-08 19:01:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would invest, to make sure I am rich. Pay off my loans, give some to my family, and probably donate some to good charitable groups such as hospitals, colleges, etc to help society and the future of our children.

2006-12-08 18:57:19 · answer #7 · answered by Genesis 4 · 0 0

Arrange a really great holiday for my family and plan a trip for all of us to take together! Fun!!! I would cover the expenses of the community party for the AIDS victims. I would contact Gulf area towns and see who needs help with the holidays. Best of luck to you!! Merry Christmas!!

2006-12-08 18:53:23 · answer #8 · answered by whrldpz 7 · 0 0

First I would get out of debt, pay for all of my education, and my brothers and sisters. I would pay for my parents house and car (because they have helped me so much!) then I would help those around me who were less fortunate. I really enjoy helping others, and wish i had all the money and time in the world to help them out.

2006-12-08 18:58:53 · answer #9 · answered by ashley648403 2 · 0 0

I would take 10% and spend like crazy in cars, girls, parties, house, travel, food, clothes etc etc

The rest I would invest the financial market/real estate/ business and multiply my fortune and live using the interest rate!!!

2006-12-08 19:06:09 · answer #10 · answered by yuppie 2 · 0 0

Retire in Italy, Portugal or Spain.

2006-12-08 18:50:42 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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