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21 answers

im from jawa, i have been here Kuta bali since 2 month, everything is cheap here!! many tourist stay more than 8 month, and the beach,... lovely sunset and good to surf too . awsome

2006-12-15 18:04:27 · answer #1 · answered by dian_sinta 1 · 0 0

If you want busy, exciting, cultured, pick New York City.
More laid back cities include: anywhere in the midwest.
If you are a coffee addict, try Seattle. Paris has Grace elagance and history. Italy also has history, and great food. Hope that helped. :-)

2006-12-08 21:07:53 · answer #2 · answered by sdh22892 3 · 0 0

New York, if you like hustle and bustle sometimes, peace and quiet at other times, museums, the arts, theater, fine dining, partying, multi-racial, multi-ethnic. It's just excellent. The cost of living is crazy compared to other places, but natives are used to it and lots of people who come to new york fall in love with it (Like my biology teacher from england). You learn something new everyday in NYC. If not manhattan, you can live near it in any of the five wonderful boroughs. The subway system may be old, but its usually reliable.

2006-12-08 21:07:11 · answer #3 · answered by Nigella sativa 2 · 1 0

Panama City florida just got ranked best place to buy a home, beaches are awesome too.
Panama city, FL
Beaufort, SC

2006-12-09 00:26:58 · answer #4 · answered by godzillasagoodman 2 · 0 0

Greater Kansas City Missouri area. It is a very eqlectic area. It has everything and every price range. It is all there.

2006-12-13 08:29:57 · answer #5 · answered by west.herb@yahoo.com 4 · 0 0

I am not going to say because I don't want everyone to move there. Nowhere in California though because it is ruined both by the politicians (not Arnold) and the illegals.

2006-12-12 08:42:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ytrain: New York, you won't get hit by hurricanes and tornadeos.

LastManDancing: I for once agree with YTrain, however not for the same reasons. I live in NY and that's the best reason i can think of.

2006-12-08 21:07:39 · answer #7 · answered by Big Man 1 · 0 0

The coldest city in the world, because u will die and not ask us Q no more which makes our life easier

2006-12-08 21:06:24 · answer #8 · answered by simple 2 · 0 0

Depending how old you are i would suggest miami florida theres plenty of culture and life there but if you want something a little quieter i would suggest the panhandle of florida.

2006-12-08 21:06:01 · answer #9 · answered by costa_ricas_finest 2 · 0 0

Boston is nice

schools, attitudes, jobs

at least for the Easy Coast its good

2006-12-08 21:06:32 · answer #10 · answered by kurticus1024 7 · 0 0

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