Lots of debt, well about 3K worth (from both hubby and I). We will have extra money coming in these next few months (Financial aid refund as well as tax refund). I want to pay down our cards by at least half, but at the same time our emergency fund is slacking.
Here's a rundown:
Debt: $3200
Emergency Fund: we have $300 right now.
Cash Deposit (not to be touched) has $2100
Financial aid refund is about $1200, but I need some of it to buy books.
I have no idea what our tax refund is going to be like. We have a child, so we have that credit. Plus at my job, I file as "Single, no exemptions". So I'm hoping about a $2000 refund.
The main question. Should the money bolster our savings, or go to paying down the debt?
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Business & Finance
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Oh and to clarify, i file as "Married, but withold at higher single rate", since I know that any money taken out, I get back anyway. My paychecks are a bit smaller, but the money once a year is more.
19:29:19 ·
update #1