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[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Insurance

iv lost my card but dont want hassle of getting another one because i need it within the next few days.

2007-09-12 11:09:49 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy approached us to see if we wanted to buy this "cancer treatment" policy that the above named insurance company is offering. Just wondering if anyone has heard of such a company and knows anything about them. Thanks.

2007-09-12 10:28:36 · 20 answers · asked by Hmmmm 1

2007-09-12 02:08:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

got agreement on a settlement with car accident insurance company (other guy's fault, they are paying me). They sent a Relase Form that includes this paragraph:

It is further understood and agreed that any party hereby released admits no liability to the undersigned or any others, --> shall not be stopped or otherwise barred from asserting, and expressly reserves the right to assert any claim or cause of action such party may have against the undersigned or any others. <--

what is the deal here?!?!? It sounds like they are wanting to preserve the right to sue me. I don't get why this would be part of a release form.

There is no question of whose fault it was. There is no reason why they would be suing me. Why is this here. (and don't say it's just a stock clause--that's a NON-answer)

Pls answers from people who actually know what they are talking about.

2007-09-11 19:31:27 · 1 answers · asked by center of the universe 4

My community is holding a fun day and I was wondering how much liability insurance would cost for one day.

Thanks to all for answering.

2007-09-11 18:24:26 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


Do I have pay this money, since it been two years ago? CAN THEY WRITE IT OFF? What does ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RECIVED mean? HELP! THIS IS NOT RIGHT.

2007-09-11 12:55:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the early weeks of my pregnancy (February 2007), I do not have Health Insurance to cover it. I was using an Ob/Gyn that gives 6 installments pay monthly in total of $1300 for prenatal care. After I finished my payment, I got a job with full health insurance (Blue Cross) that covers 100% of my prenatal care/delivery.

The Ob/Gyn gave me a letter to sign saying that the "Prenatal care / Delivery" cost of $3200 will be covered by Health Insurance and I owe $0.00.

Is it fair that they put "Prenatal Care" covered by insurance while I already paid in full in the amount of $1300?

Is it possible, legally, to claim back prenatal care of $1300 that I already paid, since today I am still in prenatal period and covered by insurance?

2007-09-11 12:53:34 · 3 answers · asked by coza b 2

My husband painted a car for someone. The guy paid him with a check. He was moving to another state. A week later my husband found out from the bank the guy put a stop payment on the check. He has called him several times leaving messages but he will not return my husbands call. What does he need to do.

2007-09-11 12:47:09 · 15 answers · asked by shewoko 1

My g-ma died in 1980...I was 5 yrs. old.

I always knew that I had to have gotten something cause my sister got stock from my g-ma and my sister isn't even a biological g-child. But $$ was never mentioned or given to me. I am certain... I have a amazing memory.

Here I am at age 33...today my dad hands me a box of historical documents of his and my g-ma's. First off it includes gramma's will. Secondly it includes a very detailed list of 16 varing ins. policies and annuities that she had and was current on. She was very money smart and I am 100% certain they were all current and in effect. I am listed as a bene. on 2 policies.

One was from Colonial Penn Ins. Co. + the other is Lincoln Nat. Ins. Co.
Both ins. co's say they find no such records..
What shall I do next?

I cannot ask my parents

Info I have...
G-ma's date of birth and date of death.
G-ma's soc. sec. #
policy #'s
addresses for the ins. co's
Her handwritten list of policies and list of bene's

2007-09-11 12:08:13 · 3 answers · asked by mom of 3 3

savages and kills another human you can get away with it?

2007-09-11 11:04:44 · 17 answers · asked by Choose ME 4


I'm pregnant and I received my medicaid card in the mail but I also received a letter saying I should apply for additional benefits for my baby which includes everything even dental coverage. Shouldn't medicaid cover for everything for me and the baby?

2007-09-11 09:39:20 · 7 answers · asked by Cookie 1

I sued my insurance company over failure to pay a Hurricane Katrina claim and we settled before going to trial.

2007-09-11 09:24:28 · 8 answers · asked by Durack 2

Can an HSA be used to pay for long term care, assisted living facility, etc etc?

2007-09-11 06:49:04 · 5 answers · asked by jbirwin6 1

I know I need to get check out, I've had insurance before through my job. However, I no longer work there and I need to get checked out to make sure everything is good with me. However, paying out of pocket is very costly. So I need a afforable insurance that will help me with the pricing. Any suggestions?

2007-09-11 05:03:36 · 3 answers · asked by ♥ ~ lele ~ ♥ 2

A co-worker of mine has had a tummy tuck paid fully by the our health insurance company and she was suppose to have only 4 weeks off. Now she gets 2 months off becuase her doctor won't relase her. I think she's suppose to stay home durring this time but last week i saw her at theme park and concert. Is there a number i can call to report health insurance fraud?

2007-09-11 03:36:21 · 4 answers · asked by jim c 1

I am talking about insuring the contents in a rented house. Things not prvoided by a landlord such as tv, dvd, laptops etc. or is everything included like clothing etc. this is in IRELAND by the way.

2007-09-11 03:26:13 · 4 answers · asked by . 5

2007-09-10 19:53:41 · 0 answers · asked by DAUGHTER OF ZION 1

hi, I was assaulted by 2 females at work, I had two detachments in my retna (corrected with laser surgery) and I am in therapy for post traumatic stress, depression and anxiety for which I am also on medications. my question is: I have a lawyer working on my workers comp claim and I don't have to pay him unless I win my case, the problem is that this has become too overwhelming for me, my nerves are shattered and I no longer want to go through with my case, what can I do? this is not a joke, I am very serious and I need for this to be over! I can't take this anymore! please! I live in pennsylvania, thank you

2007-09-10 14:59:49 · 7 answers · asked by shawty2naughty 2

Looking to make a life changing investment, but need funds from a ten year structured settlement to accomplish anything.

2007-09-10 10:40:46 · 4 answers · asked by dusmul78 4

Here is my problem... My wife recieved chiropractic care 2 and a half years ago. The doctors had said her insurance covered her in full. Now, they are claiming we owe them over $4900 for the care she recieved. We called our insurance company and they said they didn't cover it because they submitted the claims 2 and a half years later which is too late. Should we be held responsible for their negligence and if not, what recourse would anyone here suggest. Thank you.

2007-09-10 09:38:18 · 8 answers · asked by Kenneth C 6

I recently got a medical bill and it listed all this stuff from when I seen in a hopsital and prices and it said the insurance didn't allow any of it and I didn't owe anything, does that mean I don't pay anything or what? I am confused

2007-09-10 07:10:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My aunt passed away and left me life insurance money. I know that my family will not give me the information becuz they have already spent my money. What do I do to find out about the money that has been paid out within the last 2 months to me, but I did not receive it.

2007-09-10 06:19:48 · 5 answers · asked by Queeny 1

Husband's surgeon billed our primary and secondary ins co's the same amt. We had been told previously that the secondary would be billed for only what the primary did not pay. Is this right? Sounds like they are really trying to get 100% of what they are charging as both ins co's disallowed a portion.

Cardiac dr said they bill primary and what ever is not paid they bill that portion to the secondary.

Anyone have any insight into this?

Thank you.

2007-09-09 16:37:05 · 8 answers · asked by lilacs 2

It seems hypocritical. But, some people might try.

2007-09-09 16:23:41 · 9 answers · asked by stepphie aka Jesus Girl 2

2007-09-09 13:53:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm writing a paper on the current health insurance system in America, and we have to present a statistic from a survey we did. I thought this would be the place that I'd find the most diverse people, so I chose that. Please, just say if you're happy with your health insurance plan and your financial class (optional). Thanks!

2007-09-09 12:26:58 · 4 answers · asked by Jeff G 1

I was on my companys insurance and then I was laid off. A few days before I was laid off I found out that I was pregnant. I heard somewhere that if I was covered on their insurance while I was pregnant they are obligated to keep me on till I have the baby. Is this true??

2007-09-09 07:18:59 · 7 answers · asked by valerie_sawyer616 1

My mother only has my brother on her life insurance, there is only the 2 of us and she is 83. We've always been close so I don't understand this at all.

2007-09-09 05:18:33 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

she gave me the security deposit and rent in cash....

how should i put it.........
What should i have on it, plzzzz be specific.
plzzzzzzz hurry, i only have 2 hours before i got to give it to here

2007-09-09 05:09:31 · 5 answers · asked by bio c 2

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