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[Selected]: All categories Business & Finance Careers & Employment Law & Legal

What would I be able to work as in companies like Google and Microsoft if I study law?

2007-11-26 20:59:22 · 7 answers · asked by Booyah! 3

I just got offered a job last week and accepted it, contingent
on a reference and initial background check.

I informed my current boss at this point that I intend to change jobs, since they would be calling for the reference check.

I can't give formal, written notice until I get a start date,
and I can't get that until I pass the reference check.

They are "on notice" I intend to leave now.

I see comments that two weeks is too short a notice.

I thought it was standard to do that.

Is two weeks still acceptable for notice?

My job winds down over the holidays,
so they would have until January to find a

2007-11-26 14:23:50 · 8 answers · asked by KAR36 6

I gave my employer a 2 week notice because I was offered a better paying job. The next day my employer contacted me and told me that I "did not have to return" to work because I had accepted a job with a competitor. Even though that job was not due to begin for another 3 weeks. Am I owed that last 2 weeks of pay? Should I file for unemployment benefits?

2007-11-26 12:26:44 · 9 answers · asked by Teasa 2

i have no hs dip or no ged and i need a job what web site i go to

2007-11-26 11:02:28 · 2 answers · asked by Ebony B 1

Theres only men work at my workplace (building retail), theres 8 of us working a rota.
I'm Assistant Manager, ive only worked there 6 months, The Manager has just taken on a woman and left me to deal with it as hes on holiday when she is due to start.
Dont get me wrong, i'm more than happy to work with a woman but i am a little concerned as the job entails a lot of heavy lifting and physical work and though i have never seen this woman i'm told shes about 5ft tall and frail looking. Also we only have one toilet with two cubicles.
Whats the law situation with that? must women have their own separate toilet facilities or can she share our cubicles or have one for herself?
Im just confused by it all and cant understand why its been left to me, i feel in a no-win situation, i dont want to seem sexist by making allowances for her, but at the same time i was brought up with old fashioned values, i open doors and give my seat up for ladies, it will be hard to ask her to shift bricks.

2007-11-26 10:40:30 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-26 10:14:21 · 7 answers · asked by Amber Nicole<3 1

How does a recording secretary differ from a secretary?

2007-11-26 10:13:55 · 1 answers · asked by terry w 1

i wanted to test the waters out in the law field so i was planning on becomeing a paralegal.
what i wanted to know is if i like being a paralegal can i go straight into law school??

2007-11-26 10:10:56 · 7 answers · asked by Amber Nicole<3 1

It doesn't bother me at all, and she is one of my top performers. Plus, she looks great.

2007-11-26 06:28:14 · 11 answers · asked by Fred S - AM Cappo Di Tutti Capi 5

Epf Department of India

2007-11-25 23:39:42 · 1 answers · asked by ravinder s 1

The older I get it seems the more I'm treated with less respect but I am a great Office Manager/Admin. I'm working for a jerk who has no respect for me. I'm finding it very hard to find another job that pays a decent salary. The job interviews I've gone on have been awful. I'm amazed at what people want and expect but don't want to pay more than $10/hr. I'm depressed - I've got a teenager I need to put thru college before I can go back to college and get a degree. If I applied for financial aid I'm afraid it would ruin my son's chances for aid. I'm widowed with no other living family so I've got no emotional or financial support. I'm tired of being treated like dirt while I am 100% dependable and loyal to my employer. I don't expect a perfect job - just one that pays decent and I get a little respect - or does that exist. Why are secretaries treated so badly when they're the heart of a company?

2007-11-25 15:13:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can I print out a high quality scan as a substitute in place of the original?

2007-11-25 14:34:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does it effect the other office workers abilities in trust

2007-11-25 13:12:41 · 4 answers · asked by Michele C 1

I am a manager at a hotel. First, I was hired for a sales entry level position, but because of my experince in a more senior position I was giving the Sales Manager position. Even do my job offer letter stated EMM (which is the entry level position). My pay stayed the same as an EMM. I was given a desk on the back section of the office with 4 other hispanics (even though I was suppoused to have an office because of the new position I was given). I did go to HR about this, but before anything was done I was suspended. My boss overheard me speaking with a recruiter that contacted me. The whole time I have been working for the company I've felt spoken down to and not apreciated even do I am the first one to get there and last one to leave. Number one in sales for the hotel, so they cant say is because lacck of productivity. Not enough done the Assistant went thru the company laptop and walked in on a mmeeting with myself, the hr director and sales director and showed sexy pics of myself.

2007-11-25 08:57:06 · 3 answers · asked by marla g 1

My education is: diplomas for Office Receptionist/Legal Clerical and Medical Clerical. Certificates for Ward Clerk/Geriatric Aide/Nursing Assistant and Medication Aide. I am 60 years old. My last job was 1/92. I was a Med Aide with no med or documentation errors. I need a job but feel too old to begin again as a CNA (heavy lifting). I use our public transit. I am scared to death of failing. Should I go back to college to become a Medical Assistant (then will be 61)? Am I too old to be hired? Help!!!

2007-11-25 07:41:16 · 29 answers · asked by mysterywoman50401 2

My question is: Can I be excused from jury duty because I am starting a new job that requires me to attend 'bootcamp' like training that I cannot miss?

2007-11-25 06:56:06 · 12 answers · asked by beeve.stroganoff 2

I know it may change from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but please share what you know.

2007-11-25 06:32:45 · 3 answers · asked by Sleek 7

I tried in all depts even i pray regularly but na.....i am so down.

2007-11-24 21:57:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've completed my 5th and final interview for a very high-paying senior director for a national organization. It's the perfect job for me, and I did very well in all my interviews. During my last interview, however, the interview asked me a number of illegal questions (all of which I answered): how old were you when you graduated with your MBA? what does your wife do? How do you arrange for child care? Where were you born? I'm concerned because I'm in my early 30s and Asian-American -- and worry that my age and background might keep me from getting such a senior position. The interviewer said two interesting things to me: that I gave the best answers out of all five finalists, but he's concerned that my relative lack of experience might be a problem. (The job description requires at least 12 years of experience, & I have exactly 12 years of experience.) Do I have any grounds for a lawsuit if I don't get the job? How can I know if my answers to these questions affected their decision?

2007-11-24 21:31:35 · 11 answers · asked by zorzo z 1

If i lie to my parents that im working doing late night shift but im really out partying. Is that a big risk of my job? Can i be cool with the manager if my parents call the workplace and tell him/her to lie to them? What if i even ask him about lying? REALLY BIG HELP, THANKS :)

2007-11-24 12:35:33 · 4 answers · asked by monster_anonymous 1

My first question apparently confused most. I know it is the law for males ages 18-26 to sign up for selective service, that wasn't what I was asking about. In the hiring process, job applications cannot ask a persons sex, age(except to find out if they are a minor), race, national origin, if they have a disability, marital status, I might be forgetting something, but I think that's it. Anyhow, if you are applying for a teaching position in North Carolina, where most counties use the same application, it asks about whether an applicant, if male, has signed up for selective service. As a store manager for a retail chain, that question was never on our applications nor was it a legal requirement for us to ask about when filling out all the paperwork after hiring someone. So for those that believe the answer to my previous was answered best(Not in my opinion) with "its the law" need to tell me exactly what law states that the selective service has to be asked about on a JOB APPLICATION?

2007-11-24 08:50:03 · 8 answers · asked by dsreed 1

2007-11-24 06:12:15 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering. Looking for a job but would love to start my own business. Thanks!!!!

2007-11-24 02:07:48 · 2 answers · asked by Shar 2

company want to increase production by timing me etc also sign a letter agreeing to this. is this letter legal and can i refuse whats my rights ?

2007-11-23 22:06:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do a licensed professional (CPA), an excempt employee under the definition of labor law, gets compesated for the overtime worked? I mean not the OT pay (150%), just the straight pay (100%). Where could I find thses information?

2007-11-23 15:02:12 · 4 answers · asked by eric z 1

I took a job at Lowe's Home Improvement and two days later I received a call offering me a job to be a Social Worker for my state. I only worked at Lowe's for two days, but I want to be paid for the hours that I worked. I have been trying for over a month to get Lowe's give my check to me, but they will not pay me. The Lowe's that I worked at had really lazy manager's! What can do to get paid?

2007-11-23 14:07:00 · 8 answers · asked by Joey J 1

I recently passed the bar in two states and I am not finding a job easily so im considering starting my own firm. So what type of things would i need to know in order to start one?

2007-11-23 13:39:52 · 5 answers · asked by Avatar_defender_of_the_light 6

I left my previous job at a large law firm because things did not work out: they were not very happy with my performance at the end - did good but not great, but I learned my lesson, have great credentials and experience, and left on good terms. My previous boss said that he will give me a good reference if asked. What do I say at job interviews when they ask me about the reason I left the previous job? Please don't suggest that I tell the truth because no one will hire me if I admit that the previous firm let me go...

2007-11-23 10:17:22 · 5 answers · asked by spaceman2888 1

Ok, so I'm in High School. I'd like to become a lawyer someday. What are some pros and cons of the job, and if and when I get a "J.D." am I permitted to be called "Dr." like a Medical Doctor or any ther kind of professional doctorate holder?

2007-11-23 03:16:06 · 6 answers · asked by Prez Monella 1