The afternoon siesta, which was instituted to allow businesses to close in the heat of the day to allow workers and shoppers to rest and even take naps, is common in Spain, much of Latin America and in warmer climates throughout the world.
Typically shops close around 1 p.m. and re-open around 4 p.m. though the hours may vary from place to place.
Not everyone takes a nap. Some people just take family time at home. Others might read or relax or watch television.
Shops re-open about 4 p.m. and stay open late--9 to 11 p.m., depending on the business. After shops close families usually gather for a late dinner.
Even with air conditioning this custom persists in many countries.
Would you like to work or do business in an environment where these business hours were commonly practiced?
I have seen the siesta used in Spain and Vietnam, by the way.
4 answers
asked by
Warren D
Careers & Employment