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Business & Finance - 1 February 2007

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I'm 33, male, and have a BA in Business Marketing. Been through three jobs in four years and need help finding a new one.
I've got three kids, two car payments, and a mortgage. My wife is a Registered Nurse and w/o her we'd be in big trouble - but w/ her income alone, we barely get by. My background is in circulation, publishing, direct mail, etc. However, this field is where I've been having such a bad string of luck in the past few years, so I'm interested in switching fields. I am the type of person who does NOT like switching jobs! I'm a loyal employee, and just need to find a company that is stable, has opportunities for growth, and a decent salary. Unemployment payments are okay, but do not last forever, and they are pretty small as well.
My plight has gotten me very down lately, and I've decided to throw my question out "there," just to see what other people have to say.
Looking forward to anyone's input and/or suggestions,
Ron F.

2007-02-01 10:04:52 · 6 answers · asked by Ron F 1 in Careers & Employment

I am a Notary Public,I would like to do Loan Signing how do I get started or what else can I do with my notary instead of just notorizing papers for individuals to make an income.

2007-02-01 10:03:40 · 1 answers · asked by jewbrod 4 in Careers & Employment

My husband lost his job in October and I am a student, so we have no money coming in except for a pittance from unemployment. We had some savings and he cashed in his retirement, but we are almost out of money. We put our condo on the market in December, but so far no takers. My husband has relatives in Las Vegas who have invited us to live with them temporarily, so my husband went after Christmas and began the job-hunt. We are now considering foreclosure and/or bankruptcy, but neither of us know much about either process. Can anyone either explain these processes to me, (in English - not Legalese), or direct me to a website that I can understand? I need to know everything, such as: Do I have to file in California or can we do this in Nevada? Do we contact the lender about foreclosure or is this something they do automatically? (They have been completely unwilling to work with us even though we have never been late on a payment.) Any advice/info would be greatly appreciated.

2007-02-01 10:03:05 · 8 answers · asked by JustDucky 3 in Renting & Real Estate

Everyone in our company just got a $150 bonus for achieving a good Q4 so how should I spend it?

2007-02-01 10:02:59 · 12 answers · asked by BPL 2 in Personal Finance

I see on my statement how much principal is left to be paid on my loan, but if I send in that amount, won't I be short the interest I've been charged since my statement? Should I just overpay and hope for a refund? Note--this is not an amortization table question.

2007-02-01 10:01:52 · 6 answers · asked by Rank Roo 4 in Personal Finance

I want to get a used sports bike for $3000. I just opened a bank account and have a job. I am only working so that i can get this motorcycle. I want to leave for military for 4 years in a few months and just want to ride this bike until i leave and pay if off using financial plan when i join for the military. I have no co-signer and know most lenders will not give me loan without credit history. All I want is to do payment plans on this bike with everything i make at my job which is about $800 to $1000 a month. I opened a bank account. Is there any place or way to get this loan as soon as possible instead of years.

2007-02-01 10:01:47 · 6 answers · asked by PLUSMC 1 in Credit

You should be, I have a PhD and you work at Dunkin Donuts...

2007-02-01 10:00:29 · 44 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

My sister and I are going to Disney World in Sept. She has pins in her knee from when she hurt it when she was a kid. Is this going to affect her going through airport security? Will she be beeped? Does she have to prove she has pins in her knee? Any help would be great. Thank you

2007-02-01 10:00:15 · 7 answers · asked by TWil 3 in United States

I am calling local places for a job, what do I say and do when I call them?

2007-02-01 09:58:56 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

What amount do I need to claim on my income tax? Say the amount was $80,000.00 with both our names on the 1099-S.

2007-02-01 09:57:31 · 3 answers · asked by pat o 1 in United States

if u want to make a bank account do u have do have an id from the dmv??

2007-02-01 09:56:01 · 5 answers · asked by krista sunshine 2 in Personal Finance

How would I go to achieve my old w-2 forms from those years?

2007-02-01 09:55:04 · 5 answers · asked by palee 1 in United States

I got my W-2 form and old employer and they did not take out Federal taxes I made over 2K they should have. What should I do?

2007-02-01 09:49:26 · 6 answers · asked by dsander06 2 in United States

2007-02-01 09:47:52 · 3 answers · asked by I don't look like this 3 in Careers & Employment

should i file single and claim her as my dependent since she cant work? is this possible? why file jointly if she isnt working?

2007-02-01 09:45:55 · 8 answers · asked by chuckdaddypapalove 1 in United States

If the house is 3-4 bed, 2-3 bath and is in a high middle class neighborhood.

2007-02-01 09:45:34 · 2 answers · asked by rockabilly.betty 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I forgot to cancel a standing order, which was originally being paid into my brothers account. When he closed it, I meant to stop the standing order -but I forgot. My online banking today shows the standing order coming out, with his name by it.

What will happen? Has my money just been sent into limbo!!?

2007-02-01 09:44:23 · 13 answers · asked by -=Matt=- 2 in Personal Finance

I met my fiance in July 2005, we are engaged and living together but the problem is im paying him more than half of the bills to him as they come out of his account. every month i get paid £773.00 rough for my work, but i pay my fiancee £350 for the bills and then at least another £300 to pay his loan off. Which is ok but i dont leave me much he says its optional me paying his loan of but i hate credit an he is has to much and is over spending.
The thing is i pay off so much for him as i am still expected to pay electric then any essentials i.e his luxuries. But i cant afford to even buy my self a new pair of shoes which i need desperately let alone cloths. My collegues from work have told me to be careful as he still spends while im paying out this money. and they are worried he is gonna use me. i love him and dont wanna lose him but should i give up my luxuries like clothes etc to pay his loan etc off as he pays £60 pounds towards the loan a months and i desperatly need clothes that

2007-02-01 09:40:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

bills like credit cards and things like that. not utility bills

2007-02-01 09:40:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

The traditional mortgage route seems very slow. Other than private financing (from an individual person), is there another way to finance a house for the month or two that I fix it up before I flip it?

2007-02-01 09:37:43 · 7 answers · asked by Mikey V 1 in Renting & Real Estate

because mobile homes lose value right? and house gain it. so what about manufactered homes?

2007-02-01 09:37:05 · 6 answers · asked by bhbghgjbvmnbncvb 4 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-02-01 09:36:05 · 3 answers · asked by numberonecowgirl_up 1 in Corporations

I think the law is that it has to be postmarked by January 31st. What happens if it's late or I never receive it? To whom do I report it? The labor board or a tax bureau??

2007-02-01 09:35:18 · 3 answers · asked by chrissy25 5 in United States

i paid a very substantial amount of extra money into my taxes with this guy and i have not recieved my w2 yet and i called him yesterday and today for him to call me and let me know whats going on but he hasnt returned my call. what are my options if he doesnt send it to me? isnt it the law that he was supposed to have it out to me yesterday?

2007-02-01 09:34:16 · 6 answers · asked by cmbc587 3 in United States

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