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Business & Finance - 13 January 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

been given ?what can be wrong and what should i do [its a new card ]

2007-01-13 04:13:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I am in the process of refinancing my home, I live in a townhome community. The finance company showed said my homevalue is valued at 185,000. but they need to send a appraial company out to get there say. I looked at the last 6-12 months what the units sold for anywhere from 181,000-190,000. Now my question is that there is 3 units that are up for sale and the asking price is at 167000-172000. what would the apprasial company look at.

2007-01-13 04:09:59 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

Well I got married in may 2005. Can I still file single and head of household or do I HAVE to file married. I want to know the best way to get the most money back.

2007-01-13 04:07:59 · 8 answers · asked by David R 2 in United States

Any legal minded out there have started to get slow payers and have no terms or conditions on my invoices yet. I know that i have to wait for 30 days as the defalt this time but want to set something up for next months invoice run. Ok i give a service as a book keeper so think 14 days is more than fare and that i think i should with hold my services untill payment receiced too - any idears on wording for this would be a great help

2007-01-13 04:06:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I am looking to buy a place by the end of 2007. I have saved 3k so far. thats it. im a graduate and will be on a salary of 26k rising to 29k with student loan payments and a graduate loan. Does anyone know the best place for a 100% morgage repaymets and things like buildings insurence the costs. really anything to help me with the costs and what where to buy. !!

2007-01-13 04:05:31 · 6 answers · asked by tiny 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I hired a grant writer who keeps promising me things but has produced nothing. It has been OVER 6 months and I need to hire someone who I can trust and count on. The reality is I did my due dligence in finding this person - BBB, recommendations, talked with her several times, etc. Now what do I do and where do I look? Any names or suggestions?

2007-01-13 04:04:20 · 3 answers · asked by 100%cotton 2 in Small Business

I have a job interview and not quite sure what I should wear. Its at Kohls, and i cant wear stuff from the store, because they dont open until March...

2007-01-13 03:57:42 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

2007-01-13 03:54:32 · 2 answers · asked by tikilanepcola175 1 in United Kingdom

I recently took a position in the social work field. I love the work however the pay scale that was in effect at the time I was employed has recently been readjusted and the bonuses promised have been cut in half. Now Im not money hungry however, I chose this position due to the fact that it was as close to my former salary. At this rate I will have to take on a second job to maintain.

2007-01-13 03:54:08 · 7 answers · asked by PhDiva 2 in Careers & Employment

2007-01-13 03:53:28 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Investing

Im applying for a job as an accounting clerk and i have a question.... It appears that they would like me to email my resume and cover letter but what do i do about the part at the bottom of the cover letter where i would normally sign my name do i leave it out entirely? ive never emailed a resume before I've always did it in person

2007-01-13 03:49:53 · 7 answers · asked by demoness_6969 2 in Careers & Employment

there are several family members that would help with co-signing so to speak, but how does that work? Would they essentially buy the house in their name and add us to title, how could we get it in our name also and eventually only? The credit probs are old and have been cleared up- but the number is still bad. Have gotten a credit card recently, and bought a new car- steps in the right direction, but takes time. Have money- want to stop renting. Ideas or suggestions???

2007-01-13 03:49:30 · 3 answers · asked by Smilingcheek 4 in Renting & Real Estate

or is it just a con?
who owns the MOON anyway did the USA legaly claim it when they landed there?
if i buy a plot can i stop anyone building on it , say in fifty years time?

2007-01-13 03:43:02 · 17 answers · asked by JIM B 2 in Renting & Real Estate

My husband is self employed.

2007-01-13 03:39:29 · 2 answers · asked by adriannamarie19 4 in United States

The owner of the company is a big time developer here and has big bucks and lots of lawyers. My boss just says if we dont like how we are treated, we know where the door is. He wont let us take our vacation when we want and wants us 100% devoted to work. That comes first over anything. He calls us names and does what ever he can to get to us. He is a real jerk. I don't know if the owner knows how we are treated but I'm sure he doesnt care either. I need help as to where to turn to make this guy smarten up. I think I'm headed towards a breakdown and I am already on medication for depression. If anyone has an anawer please help. I will appreciate it.Thanks.

2007-01-13 03:36:18 · 11 answers · asked by theonegram 1 in Careers & Employment

I am a 12 year old girl who has a babysitting/petsitting service with my two other friends. We are all experienced, it's just that we haven't gotten any business in 4 months. (Since we started)
We passed out business cards in mailboxes, put up posters, went door-to-door, went to a park and talked to people,etc.
What can we do to advertise our business, get it going, promote it, etc.

2007-01-13 03:35:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I have a boss that I have worked with for over a year. Since she started for some reason she does not like me and I don't know why. She gets along with my other two coworkers but for some reason she seems harder on me. I am a good worker and I get along mostly with everyone. I have been where I am at for 18 years and never really have had a problem with anybody else. We have had our disagreements but some people seems to be jealous of each other sometimes. It is ridiculous when we all work hard in our jobs but some have degrees and some do not. The librarians have degrees and the rest of us don't but everybody knows their jobs and should be respected for what they know and given credit where it is due. But, at the same time the boss is over us and I have always tried to be flexible enough to listen to the bosses. I don't know if my efforts are really seen by my supervior. Has anyone else been through this with their boss?

2007-01-13 03:35:22 · 3 answers · asked by Sweet Pea 3 in Careers & Employment

I don't want to buy until next year, and I'm afraid that once I involve an agent, the process will move much too fast.

2007-01-13 03:29:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

as a supervisor how can i help reduce employee sick time...

2007-01-13 03:24:18 · 11 answers · asked by going to the dogs 1 in Careers & Employment

Is it how you look, or what you know and can do ?

2007-01-13 03:20:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Careers & Employment

My brother's wife gets about $1600 a month social security from where her kids dad died. They say the don't have to claim this money on their income tax. Is this true?

2007-01-13 03:12:39 · 5 answers · asked by AngieBaby 3 in United States

Fed up with the Weather,the Government, the immigration, the house prices,the taxes, the pressure in fact the whole damn shooting match!

2007-01-13 03:10:45 · 55 answers · asked by Sir Sidney Snot 6 in United Kingdom

I know the answer to this problem (it is in the back of my book), but I cannot figure out the equation.

In an Individual Retirement Account valued at $53,900, a couple has 500 shares of stock, some in Big Bank Corporation and some in Safe Savngs and Loan. If Big Bank sells for $115 per share and Safe Savings sells for $97 per share, how many shares of each does the couple own?

The first person that can explain how to get the algebraic expression(and is right) will get the points!

2007-01-13 03:04:33 · 5 answers · asked by colbykaplan 2 in Personal Finance

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