Recently went and printed off 25 resume's, expecting to have a bit of difficult getting a job, however, he first place I visited offered me a position, which I took on my mum's advice (just a cafe job- clearing tables, washing dishes, taking orders, putting together cakes and drinks, etc.).
Here's the thing- the lady who hired me is really rude, as well as a lot of the other staff there. My boss told me that I would be put down on a roster, but has instead been just calling me either the night before, or on the same day that she wants me to work. This makes things really difficult for me, since I've recently been very sick and have a lot of specialist appointments which clash with this- last time I worked, she didn't even pay me and said "I'll pay you next time you come in"-- she didn't call me in for THREE WEEKS and even then, tried to pretend as though she had already paid me for last time. She tried to weasel out of getting my bank details too.
2b cont...
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Careers & Employment