My Aunt died a few months ago, and while cleaning out her storage facility, I found boxes and boxes of vintage clothing from the 1930's, 40's and 50's.
There are clothes, gowns, shoes, evening bags, lingerie, gloves, aprons, scarves, hats... they are all in pristine condition, but they have this horrible smell to them. Not B.O., but just an old age smell, like they have been in storage for the last 70 years!
They are beautiful, expensive clothes and deserve to be preserved and passed on to new homes. I want to sell them, but how can I when they smell so horrible.
The clothes have been hanging out in the air for the last 2 months (in garage) and they still smell bad. I've tried washing those articles that could be washed, but still... they stink! Fabreeze didn't work either. There are too many to have dry cleaned.
How can I get the smell out of these clothes. Any ideas? I really want to sell them and get top dollar, but how can I when they smell so nasty!
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Fashion & Accessories