my hair is dirty blond. the majority of the hair cutters i have gone to (majority = more than half) told me that i have a dark blond color that almost no one has, and that dyies for my color don't exist, that they tried to imitate it but couldn't get my color (thats the only thing that makes me feel special, im juts showing off). well, it's kind of oily. i love it after i come out of the shower, i use this anti dandruff head and shoulders shampoo even though i dont have dandruff, they told me its good and it is up to now. when i wake up, when my hair is all dry (unlike at night, not completly dry) the hair gets kind of uneven everywhere, it stands up, and basically i dont really like it. is there a shampoo i could buy so that it stays straight and runny (i think that's the word im trying to use). i bought a sheer blonde volumizing conditioner with highlight enhancers, for all shades of fine, thin blonde hair. what recommendations do you give me? should i use what i bought?
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