My hair is long, thin and straight and cut i nto long layers.I style it with a curling iron to get loose waves and curls. I made the mistake 2 weeks to have a body perm put into thinking that i would be able to spend less time on it with the curling iron.BIG MISATAKE. Now my hair is shorter becasue the perm shorten it and also a trim. It has the texture of a broom, is breaking off like crazy. It is too curly. It looks ok if i take the time to use the crlilng iron on it, to straiten and give the curls some definition. Before when i dried it it felt very soft , shiny and healthy looking. Now its frizzy, looks like broom straw and is dry. What can i put on it to bring back that silky texture? What can i use to make the perm go away? How can I keep it from breaking? I am not cutting my hair.
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