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[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Photography

I want to make my own photo mount online and add my own personalised design - does anyone have any good free websites that will let me do this? thanks

2007-12-26 06:53:50 · 1 answers · asked by bookworm 2

Okay so I am finally starting my photography thing.. I have been going around in circles for about a month now and finally I have my camera... well two.. I have learned from some experts that starting with film is best so I am going that route first. I want to learn everything before I spend a girp on Digital. Okay so, I have my camera (Canon Rebel II).. I ended up getting two because the first one I bought (both used) the lens did not work, so instead of buying a $200 lens for a beginner I found a different camera (Canon EOS Rebel Gii). So now I have two working cameras. Anyway here is my question (sorry for rambling) What are some things that I can practice shooting before I get into my class. I am thinking it will be at least another month before my schedule opens up, but I don't want to wat that long to start... Please serious answers from the real photographers, or other ametuers. Thanks!

2007-12-26 06:46:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Scanning and target searching helps you to see:

A. Cars that may be in the road by the time you reach them.
B. Signs giving you directions
C. All of the above

2007-12-26 06:31:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

What kind of cameras do the photographers be using. It appears to be high mega pixels. When I look at Americas Next Top Model their pictures comes out flawless and with high quality. I will love to have one of them. Anybody know or something close to it?

2007-12-26 06:19:29 · 3 answers · asked by tarshabee 2

2007-12-26 06:15:28 · 5 answers · asked by ocampod 1

I am thinking about attending there are two days of instruction, but it is pretty pricey around $150 each day. The first day is to teach basics on the digital slr camera and the second is about software programs to enhance your photos etc. Has anyone taken these courses, are they worth the price? I am not a complete beginner, just need some additional instruction, would these benefit me?

2007-12-26 05:49:20 · 8 answers · asked by Snarf 3

1: Digiscoping is a method of obtaining photos using a digital camera through a telescope or, less often, binoculars.

2: "Mild" forms of time-lapse (when the rate of time-lapse approaches normal frame rates) are sometimes referred to simply as slow motion.

3: A intervalometer regulates the motion of the camera according to a specific interval of time between frames.

4: Rephotography is the act of repeat photography of the same site, with a time lag between the two images; a "then and now" view of a particular area.

5: Digiscoping is a technique used by both birdwatchers and astronomers.

6: Harris Shutter discovered the technique of re-exposing a frame of film through Red, Green, and Blue filters in turn, while keeping the camera steady.

7: Rollout photography is a process used to create a two dimensional photographic image of a three dimensional object.

8: Rephotography is the extreme version of the cinematography technique of undercranking, and can be considered a borderline form of stop motion animation.

9: The best technique for rollout photography is to set up a camera at the original viewpoint, at approximately the right season and time, and wait with the original view in hand, until the shadows reach the same positions relative to surrounding objects.

10: Push printing and push developing refer to a process where a picture is printed as if it were a film speed higher than intended by the film manufacturer.

2007-12-26 05:41:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I found this photo on DA, it shows excellently the goal I want to reach in photographing glass, with the same subject matter.


Where did this artist place (a) light source(s), or could you guess or give tips as to where good places are? Especially to get the definition not only on the clear glass, but the opaque glass too.

2007-12-26 04:35:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want to be able to take photos and then add a background to them on the computer. Also do things like:
*Put a baby in a flower
*Add digital props

My question is.....
*Do I need a green screen software or could I just use my photoshop
*How exactly do you remove the green screen (If you can use photoshop do you just use the magic eraser?)
*I found the green screen backdrop but did not find a green sheet like thing for the floor (to sit or stand on)
*Is there a good digital backdrop and props website to buy cd's off (the one I found looks a little cheesy)

2007-12-26 03:51:03 · 4 answers · asked by Junedue2006 2

scan them after they have been developed and printed? get them put on disk from the place developing them? the only thing im worried about is the quality they'll be after I scan them. any suggestions?

2007-12-26 02:44:27 · 10 answers · asked by phathom 2

35-105mm sound right?

2007-12-26 02:02:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Can someone please enter my death note contest?
Can someone please enter my new contest?you would have to sign up a storywrite.com there are really great people there!

2007-12-26 00:52:44 · 2 answers · asked by Casca 1

I want to buy these kind of films but where?

2007-12-26 00:14:44 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm surprise to know that pictures have "noise" and I'm curious what kind of noise is it.

2007-12-25 22:43:01 · 7 answers · asked by oxiealindogan 1

What settings on presets should i set my nikon D40 on to take pictures of the moon at night. they D40 manual is no help by the way.

2007-12-25 22:01:40 · 10 answers · asked by bethhh 2

i have been facinated with both film and nature since i have been a young child, i am entering my 4th semester in college and i was wondering what i would have to do so that i could do that. Also what jobs are out there, are people mostly freelance or hired by like discovery channel or whatnot. you a possible major be in film or in nature or like a double major. also is this a legit profession.

2007-12-25 17:46:33 · 5 answers · asked by hockeydude45 1

Just thinking out loud...

2007-12-25 17:13:33 · 4 answers · asked by Picture Taker 7

I just recently got a Diana+ Camera for Christmas, and I'm in love with the creamy textures it produces (from what I've seen from examples).
But, I've never used this type of camera before, and I'm a tad confused.

How much does the film cost? What about processing?
Why is there such back-lash against Lomo cameras? (I'm only using mine for leisure, not any professional or serious photography.)

2007-12-25 17:02:13 · 2 answers · asked by Cinders 4

Ok I need help, I always wanted to be photographer. I need to find one something that are cheaper for good draft photography digital camera? So Which Digital Camera is good for photography? please help thanks!

2007-12-25 16:54:16 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just got a new camera...a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ50, and I want to start shooting longer exposed photos, otherwise shot in (B-Mode) but my camera doesnt have a B-mode...can I still shoot longer exposed shots such as moving cars, or night shots...?

2007-12-25 16:41:29 · 4 answers · asked by mrs.hdavis 1

What are your favorite and most useful photography magazines and why?

I have recently discovered AC (After Capture) which deals more with post production, but I am interested in finding other good ones.

2007-12-25 16:24:40 · 6 answers · asked by Perki88 7

I'm the one who knows the true meaning of the words disappointment and potential.

I'm the one who won't learn until it's too late.

I'm the one who doesn't know how to sing or dance but insists on doing so anyway.

I'm the one who cries until it hurts. Severely.

I'm the one who swears up and down the love is real.

I'm the one who deals with pain by writing page after page of poetry.

I'm the one who obsessively twists my ring (or just rubs my finger if I'm not wearing it), brushes my teeth, and uses Orajel.

I'm the one who uses words like trodden, lexis, thus, shall, shan't, macabre (I even pronounce correctly), demure and beguiling in everyday conversation.

I'm the one who worships Edna St. Vincent Millay, Anna Farris, Eric Szmanda, the oboe, and brightly colored nails (toes and fingers).

I'm the one who would eat cranberry sauce, candy canes, Sweetarts, and milk at every meal (okay maybe not all at once, but yeah, I love them).

I'm the one who has friends that are not replaceable (friends that call you Willis, let you cry with them and make sexual innuendos with you).

I'm the one who's full of ambitions but just aims for happiness.

2007-12-25 15:58:03 · 2 answers · asked by Maria 2

the real me
Senior photo photoshoot

Should I put the traditional senior pic or the one that best reflects me?

2007-12-25 15:39:08 · 7 answers · asked by Maria 2

Please view all 7! And look for glares, bad spots like (flashes) and items that arent part of nature but are part of society and and take those pictures into being the worst. Chose the 3 best looking pictures that represent nature, have a distinctive look, or anything else to make them look great. Dont be afraid to be brutal!

1.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=PDC_0022.jpg

2.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=PDC_0021.jpg

3.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=PDC_0018.jpg

4.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=IMG_5210.jpg

5.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=IMG_5140.jpg

6.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=IMG_5128.jpg

7.) http://s265.photobucket.com/albums/ii220/555pacman555/?action=view¤t=IMG_5120.jpg

2007-12-25 15:18:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i wanna put my pics online to get honest critiques were is the best place to do that?

2007-12-25 15:07:27 · 4 answers · asked by Music_freak 2

This is Curtis Salonick, a surrealist photographer. He describes his work as "Gothic Surrealism".


He is my favorite photographer.
I have poster sized prints of his B&W work from 1998.

2007-12-25 14:23:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a newly configured camera, lightbox and lights. no matter what I do I am left with shadows. I am trying to take pictures of items for web viewing like hats etc. any solutions out there?

2007-12-25 14:05:06 · 8 answers · asked by channgotgame 2