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Theater & Acting

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Theater & Acting

2007-12-03 10:40:09 · 5 answers · asked by DG 2

My school is holding auditions for the show "On The Town' tomorrow and Wednesday. I want to choose a jazzy or brassy song that fits my voice and would at the same be good to cast for the show..any suggestions?...Thanks so much in advance

2007-12-03 10:34:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not sure of what role to audition for in my Seussical auditions. I am a girl, and I sing fairly well soprano and alto. I would rather a lead, just because we're doing this at a middle school, and this is my last year at the school. I'm not an amazing dancer, but I can pull it all together. I also want a role that I can have a lot of fun with. What do you think?

2007-12-03 10:20:14 · 6 answers · asked by oliviapaige 1

I'm 12 yrs old, soprano (D3-E6) and the director is using http://www.broadwayjr.com/audition/auditionlist.asp?ID=15. I'm going for alice, definitly.

The problem is, I'm singing the song Home from The Wiz, and I don't know if I should belt it (stronger) or do it in mix/head voice(prettier, more "alicey"). it says choose your strongest singer/actor for alice.


2007-12-03 10:15:04 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am currently reading the play "Othello" and need some help on what the theme of the play is. I was told that the play was a metaphor for love brings harmony, but i don't think so. If anyone could just give me an idea of what they think the theme is, that would be great.

2007-12-03 10:12:24 · 1 answers · asked by medusa7530 1

I'm auditioning for Seussical Jr. at a local community theatre. They're looking for ages 7-18, and I'm 15. I know the director really well (I just got done doing a show with her) and she really likes me. She has actually said that she could see me as Gertrude and that I had the right kind of voice for it. So I'm going for Gertrude.

I'm thinking about singing "I Can Hear the Bells" from the Broadway musical 'Hairspray'. She [the director] likes this musical, and doesn't care if we sing an overdone song. (Although it's not really that overdone around here.) Does it seem like a good fit for Gertrude? If not, does anyone have a better suggestion? (If you suggest anything from 'Wicked' you will NOT be getting best answer lol)

2007-12-03 10:01:38 · 6 answers · asked by hyperactress23 3

Has anyone actually DONE John Casablancas? And if you have, can you tell me if it was worth it, or was it a waste of money? Plus, can you tell me how many jobs you actually booked? But please dont say anything if you'e never done it. I understand your opinions, but i want real answers. So please only the people who've done it answer this. :D

2007-12-03 09:06:23 · 7 answers · asked by hammymoo 2

I was at an audition at the weekend and got really upset because I screwed up both the dance routine and song. I knew everything but as soon as I got into the audition room I totally blanked. I missed some steps in the dance and even though I started strongly in the singing I missed the middle line. I just carried on but broke down after the song. There were other people who I know performed worse than me at the audition but I'm sure I'll miss out because I blanked. How to I overcome this and do you think I still have a chance?

2007-12-03 08:50:03 · 4 answers · asked by rach_xx_04 2

i need a short, comedic female monologue for an audition for The Pirates of Penzance tomorrow, and still haven't come up with anything. please don't just give me a monologue database; i've most likely already looked through it and don't have time to look through others. specifics are best. thanks!

2007-12-03 08:36:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

how do u become a model or actress at the age of 13
i want to be one so bad but i dont know where to start
if u know any good companys or advice please answer this question

2007-12-03 08:26:44 · 8 answers · asked by Gina plain and simple 4

i know when shakespeare wrote it but what year is the play set in?

2007-12-03 08:15:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous


wow do u know if you did well in an audition?
is it okay if you blank once?

2007-12-03 07:55:51 · 4 answers · asked by ikb<3 2

I know not to eat chocolate or drink milk, but what else? Tea? Vocal Warm ups? HELP!!!

2007-12-03 07:43:08 · 5 answers · asked by cheerstar1912 4

2007-12-03 07:22:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My 8 year old sings better than most grown ups I saw on the show she is awsome! I want her to try out for the show just for the memory and fun of it. I want to hear from anyone who actually auditioned or knew someone who did. I want to know what to expect once we get to the auditon...vote for the 8 year old she is sure to get to the second round. you'll see her on TV I know it!!!

2007-12-03 06:53:21 · 2 answers · asked by just me! 2

Any tips for a reading callback/audition? What to wear, what to do, when to talk when to act....anything would be helpful.

2007-12-03 05:58:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am an actor/music/spoken word artist working on my album now. However, I need to find an agent. One of my immediate goals is to be on Broadway any suggestions. I am looking for someone that knows of a good agent not someone I can research on the internet myself. Thanks

2007-12-03 03:10:30 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a good base in music theory and have practiced and practiced improvising but still don't sound that great. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.

2007-12-03 02:49:30 · 4 answers · asked by nonetheless 3

By theatre I'm referring specifically to the small stage (plays), i.e. storefront theatre. I am NOT referring to community or dinner theatre.

Specifically, who attends small theatre in the U.S.?
WHY do people in the U.S. attend small theatre?
Why SHOULD people in the U.S. attend small theatre?
What are the benefits of attending small theatre in the U.S.?
Why should local businesses support small theatre in the U.S.?
Why DON'T (or won't) people in the U.S. attend small theatre?
Why don't (or won't) small-to-medium businesses in the U.S. support their local theatres?
What are the barriers (including negative perceptions) to attracting non-attendees to try the theatre?

Are you aware of any survey that has addressed this on either a local or national level? If so, how can I access it?

Where can I get any kind of readable, downloable free data on this?

2007-12-03 01:12:52 · 4 answers · asked by cboni2000 4

its stupid.

2007-12-03 00:48:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-03 00:23:41 · 8 answers · asked by California<3 2

I just want to know if this is one of the scammers online or a real marketing trainer. Thanks. I'm in Africa and interested in him. I have been a victim of such scam, that's why I'm being more cautious. Please, Help if anyone knows or can find out more about this. I'll be very greatful. Please, help with any other online marketing links. Thanks. Akonwi

2007-12-02 20:48:01 · 1 answers · asked by Akonwi A 1

i need it for a project asap so i need ur responses pls.

2007-12-02 11:36:08 · 2 answers · asked by May D 1


Im writting a drama play for 6 characters(3 girls and 3 guyz). it has to be as a dialogue and has a conflict. here it is: "I have 2 best friend. we all are 15yrs old.One day I went to the mall with one of my best friend. we met 2 guys who wanted to go out with us. BUT my parent won't let me date (i live with my dad. my mom has passed away).i tried to tell my dad about it. he got mad and he did not talk to me for 2 days. the next day that guy called me and he asked me out. i told him about all the dating stuff. He didnt wanna talk to me again.Then he asked my other best friend out.i felt depressed then i suicede myself."
I just dont know how to start the conversation(dialogue)

thx 4 all ur answers:)

2007-12-02 05:38:33 · 2 answers · asked by ♥♥felisha♥♥ 5

I want an agent for drama.How do i get one and what is the website to get an agent ? Please let me know as soon as possible because i really want to know.

2007-12-02 05:13:23 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay today my school cast list goes up for BANG BANG YOU'RE DEAD...there is a very large chance I wont get a part.

As conceited as this sound- I have always done very well when it comes to getting parts (lucky i guess) so if I don't get this part what should I do? I want the teacher to realize I will work hard and that I am a good actress....

Feel free to tell me your personal stories.

2007-12-02 04:29:45 · 12 answers · asked by Bet 5

Why does Capulet want Juliet to marry Paris? Money? Relations with the prince? something else?

Thanks for your time!

2007-12-02 02:38:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

"dont talk down to me your JUST AN ACTRESS"?
what do you all think of this question/comment?

2007-12-01 12:05:00 · 10 answers · asked by Sim1 1

whats the difference in talent?
which is looked at more highly upon movies or theater?

2007-12-01 12:00:14 · 11 answers · asked by Sim1 1