She lays among the willow trees,
the remind her of her eyes,
sadness cascading from each branch,
a song of sorrowful goodbyes,
reaching into deeper grounds,
roots, its life, nothing more,
inside of this hollow heart,
contemplating what I said before,
beyond the tombstones, beyond the lies,
sleeps starlight in her casket,
long beautiful, blonde hair knotted,
dead flowers lay near her, in a wicker basket
Her poetry was truth, her words were life,
her struggles with breathing, being without that knife,
she got lost inside anger, inside the tears,
letting escape, her intricate fears,
these prayers, in your mind forgotten,
but for her a time of trial,
when she didnt feel like God was listening,
while she was fighting just to smile,
open wounds, degrade her, everyone close your eyes,
you might get a glimpse of whats happening,
the battle between hellos and goodbyes,
i see you among the willow trees, for some reason, I sit close enough to hear her cry, and in her sobbing beauty, I cant believe my eyes.....
I watch the willow tree parade itself,
full of everything i feel, and i wish that I could tell you now, that none of this is real,
except the girl that hides her sadness, and battles with this blade, is me holding all my emptiness, screaming to be saved, the whole time you are reading this, a second more has passed, just that much longer without love, and the courage to fight back,
I lay here under this willow tree, this time the air is cold, I am no longer crying, no longer here to hold, The emptiness of others now fills this sorry place, inside the moments memories, you wish time could be erased, but blackness cant get darker, my words will go un-said, the grey that once surrounded me, now sleeps inside this bed, lace and fragranced flowers, a body without a soul, float away into the nothingness, where empty and forgotten people go...underneath the willow tree
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