Drugs, illegal exotic animals, theft scams, cons and slave/sex trades, Why are we humans so greedy? I dont understand why people are so greedy? Someone is buying all of the drugs, animals that are almost extinct from poachers, people selling childrend into the slave trade. God help them, what is the point of the money? You cant take it with you? You can only sleep in one bed at a time, drive one car at a time and the ones that think they are cool because they have so much, need to consider the blood from the how they got it. I have been embarrassed to part of the human race since I was five and it just keeps getting worse. I want some answers to what I can do to help stop this blood bath, disregard to human life, theft, cons, scams and things I havent even heard about. Please Yahoo'ers, think about what we can do to stop this. Thank you for your sincere consideration.
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