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Philosophy - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities Philosophy

For some people, it seem like the more knowledge they acquire, the less trust they have in God. What do you think?

2006-10-28 03:38:00 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is controlling children ...abuse ?

While attending a "workshop presentation" on child abuse a corruption of sorts was noticed.

First the model used was that of 'cult-feminists' a model that attacked men, ie child abuse = men who abuse, women and children victims. You will note the polarizing nature of this half-truth.

At the workshop the 'social worker' got up and stated that child abuse begins with a parent trying to 'control' the child.

What do you think ? Is "controlling' a child, child abuse ?

2006-10-28 03:34:19 · 20 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1

Is this an illusion of being several 'mes' created by a difference in Time?

Or is there really an 'I' as well as a 'self'? If so, what makes them different from each other?

2006-10-28 03:28:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Happiness and sorrows are the two sides of the coins of our mind. Circumstances creates the emotion and the emotion enables us to feel happy or sorrow. We ourselves create the circumstances. Joy and sorrow are like day and night, passing through which we become aware of different realities of life. We receive what we have given. Sowing the seed of ‘Mangrove plant’. We can’t expect to get mangoes. We can’t get the opportunity to eat mangoes even after planting mango trees – if we don’t know how to take care of it.
In all circumstances, proper compatibility is required towards home, family, country and the world. If some body is not behaving well with us, then he should be made aware of it. But, in the process, our behavior also should not be harsh towards him. Evil can be overcome by good only. Our happiness makes the life of the creation content. Our life is part of it only. In spite of being filled with everything fear, anxiety, difficulties and discontentment is widespread in our life. The reason for it is the negative ‘thought wave’ which influences our mentality. It becomes defective. The peace and happiness get away from us. Today, we require to have courage, patience, guts, love, mercy, hope, inspiration and cooperation for each other, at the time of adverse circumstances. The return of peace and happiness is totally on the hand of Judicious persons. No body is wicked from his birth. We only make him so. All are making each other. We have to uproot the maliciousness, before it destroys us with this blind run. We have to rectify its origin. Fleeing away from it is an act of cowardice. Converting it to your convenience is a wise act. Those who know the characteristics of ‘nature’ enjoy the charm of the existing life by getting immune to the negativity of life. If you have any intention to put any one else in distress then you are sowing the seed of trouble for yourself, because the seed which has taken a place in your mind is going to become a tree, only to engross you. If you are happy, than try to make yourself know the reason for it. Also try to do so when you are in sorrow. Don’t try to locate the reason from outside, because-trouble never comes from outside, it germinates from inside you only.
Mahavir used to analyze his happiness and sorrows. Analyzing, he could see that he was only a spectator to the both. He could see that – what ever happening was not related to him. I am separate from it. Life has three aspects. Two are of happiness and sorrows which are happenings. The third one is of the person who sees it or feel it. More a person gets involved in the ‘earthly life’, more he will be in sorrows, and will feel it on himself. A life is as successful a drop of water on lotus leaf – it doesn’t stick to it.
Salvation for Mahavir was not a search of heaven. In a salvation there is no happiness or sorrows. The significance in all types of happiness is that they go wasted after getting them. As long as you don’t get it you derive pleasure out of fantasizing it. The person is a stupid who tries to save himself from the sorrows, because the sorrows he is avoiding is a form of happiness only. And the happiness which he is looking for, is a form of sorrows. Inside it also sorrows can be visible.
According to the Bible, you shouldn’t develop attachment towards the worldly matters. If somebody does so, he doesn’t carry the love for ‘father’. What ever desire is carried by the body and the eyes, and the ‘arrogance of profession’ do not come from the ‘father’. They all come only from this world only. The world and the desires in it get erased in time, but the person who goes with the wishes of the Almighty will always be on the making.
To be embraced by happiness has one way – know you by getting inside yourself. Unless and until you don’t find the reason for your happiness, you can’t hold your happiness for long. The power of wisdom by which we are out to explore the whole world should be flowed inside us. We can know that thing, which knows ‘us’ very well. In the history till date – who ever has searched for happiness, got it only inside himself. If we go blank for sometime leaving aside the thought of ‘other things’, then the ‘self memory’ system get established. The experience spot for happiness can be found inside yourself. Happiness is not there in the sex, wealth, luxury or in the food. Happiness is derived from lacking in them only and then obtaining them. The more their need is felt, more is the happiness after receiving them. Possession of everything by us more than the requirements is the cause of our sorrows. With endless wishes (desires), the asceticism takes place. We find sorrows in the happiness also. Adverse conditions of life starts with the greed for excess happiness and with the selfishness we carry. Happiness and sorrows are the names of suitability or adversity of our mental condition. We ourselves are the cause of it. We didn’t make the circumstances suitable for happiness. There is no other cause for it, but a medium. This medium is inspired by causes made by us. This kind of reason can be suitable for a worldly person, but for a spiritual person spirit of non violence will be suitable.

2006-10-28 03:12:35 · 5 answers · asked by ibkhandel 2

It's for a William Blake essay. He believed when we were born our mind is a "tabula resa", based on the work of John Locke, but I can't find what that means anywhere!

2006-10-28 03:01:00 · 11 answers · asked by yeraciba 2

Imagine that you are given a choice on the number of years that you can live on the 1st day that you are born, what will be your answer? Why?

2006-10-28 02:51:51 · 21 answers · asked by TwinkleL 2

answer exactly plz...

2006-10-28 02:38:13 · 25 answers · asked by fromheaven 2

my guess is beacuse they pretended of course but you owe it to yourself to deal with it

2006-10-28 02:31:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

please say polite words only...thank you.

2006-10-28 02:28:33 · 32 answers · asked by fromheaven 2

If you had to pick one of those, which would you?

Key words being: FOREVER and NOW

2006-10-28 01:56:58 · 20 answers · asked by teh_popezorz 3

2006-10-28 00:55:54 · 11 answers · asked by sotu 3

which one is more important?

2006-10-28 00:53:38 · 10 answers · asked by Ralph Dera 1

i just think it's beautiful & I'd love to hear your thoughts

"Go make some love in the world and get some back, and be careful what you speak of.....the universe is listening and will give you what you speak of, so choose you words carefully!!"

2006-10-28 00:35:12 · 17 answers · asked by Fuzzy_lop 1

i've put somebody to the test and my predictions have came true

i know this individual could never love me but why do I feel bad about it? I knew it then - I know it now. I won't go into detail because it's too long a story but he recently stopped showing any attention to me. Basically, I was hoping for him to say the right words and that would have solved everything but of course, I knew, he would probably never say them and he didn't.

so why these feelings of sadness?

(if you have any suggestions how to get over someone that would be great - but please remember that everyone is different and not all people can be that special to you even if you do grow to love them it may never be with the same intensity and emotion)


2006-10-28 00:08:46 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why should I read something written by a famous author?

(Very few people will realise the motive behind this question)

2006-10-27 23:07:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

If not please let me know, I feel a little numb.

2006-10-27 23:06:29 · 14 answers · asked by IshotJR 2

2006-10-27 22:56:47 · 47 answers · asked by Sarah D 1

does anybody really care
[about time]

2006-10-27 22:39:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-27 22:30:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-27 22:24:32 · 8 answers · asked by Ylia 4

2006-10-27 21:41:47 · 11 answers · asked by Sally 1

2006-10-27 21:41:31 · 15 answers · asked by lee f 5

Its a barier we will eventualy breck through and we have cotrol of.

2006-10-27 21:35:06 · 12 answers · asked by wallsprotectme 1



1 & 2 rephrased version of the questions I posted here previouly. The purpose of rephrasing is not to irritate anyone, but to elimate the errors in the statement.

2006-10-27 21:32:58 · 2 answers · asked by The Knowledge Server 1

A. like a gentleman.
B. hurt and humiliated.
C. bitter hatred toward her.
D. a desire for revenge.

2006-10-27 20:16:06 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-27 19:43:10 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-10-27 19:38:10 · 17 answers · asked by Ylia 4

I am doing a study of "Faith and Reason" written by Pope John Paul II. Tonight we were talking about objectivity and subjectivity. Art was the example used to discuss one's own perception of good art and bad art and the universal perception of it. I am confused by the subject of art. I personally think good and bad art is subject to one's own personal opinion.

Can anyone explain to me what is 'good art'? Like Michelango, Picaso & Van Gogh versus modern art? And by whose standards is 'good art' classified as such?

I've never taken an art class, I only draw privately once in a while but I don't consider myself an artist. What books or websites can I go to to learn about art?

2006-10-27 19:15:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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