I am in the process of making my own homemaking website.
I began writing for another website a year ago and want to use the articles I wrote for this other website. I was paid 10 dollars for each article. I never signed anything and was paid by article. Since I am the author it is ok for me to use my articles on my site right? She just paid me to sell the articles on her site. People paid money to read my work. On the webiste the copywrite info says
All content on this site is copyrighted unless otherwise stated. No reproduction of any of the material, articles, tips, etc. may be used on any other newsletter, email, ezine, or any other form of reprinting this information for others without full credit of author and a link to the website where you found this information. I would also appreciate if you would send me a quick email telling me where and how this information is being share.
So from all of that do you think it is ok or do you know a website where I can find? thankyou
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