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Arts & Humanities - 27 December 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

I want to know if there is a website that summarizs a book like cliffnotes and if there is can you give me the website address?

2007-12-27 06:38:53 · 3 answers · asked by EAL 3 in Books & Authors

It's a 'choose your destiny novel'.
Is there a certain choice we have to pick to actually read a whole complete story? =/
Because the choices I make, the story ends really quickly, and I have to keep going back & reading over and picking different choice.

2007-12-27 06:33:51 · 1 answers · asked by Brooke 2 in Books & Authors

4. Describe life in Russia under Joseph Stalin in the 1920s and 1930s. Your answer must address the “personality cult,” living standards, and the role of religion in society.

2007-12-27 06:32:40 · 4 answers · asked by Avery 2 in History

This is something I think about from time to time. Things in my life seem to be going well, nothing major happens, but does that mean I am happy? Well of course not, but does that mean I should be happy?

Even when I am stressed, there are still moments of happiness. But what does this happiness indicate? Should happiness be equated with a life that is going well, or is it simply a matter of optimism?

2007-12-27 06:28:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

im going my first anime convention in jacob javits center in april, can you please tell me what i have to do and stuff, will i make friends there?

2007-12-27 06:27:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drawing & Illustration

I am trying to get some information about how to audition. Answer this if you have any websites or info!

2007-12-27 06:16:45 · 4 answers · asked by Alexa 3 in Theater & Acting

I've seen these types of pictures here and there, but now I've begun to wonder if there's a name for them so I can search for them on the web. I've seen some where the subjects are so small that you have to guess what the object actually is. Usually they take up the entire picture and sometimes the entire object isn't even shown. I'm just wondering, is there a name for this type of photography?

2007-12-27 06:16:19 · 5 answers · asked by Jakenbocker 2 in Photography

as an aspiring illustrator i need to send out some work or maybe just one piece to art directors and such, something that gets their attention. Its too late for xmas cards and calendars, besides thats all a bit predictable, anyone got any ideas what i could make/design?

2007-12-27 06:13:18 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drawing & Illustration

2007-12-27 06:12:20 · 7 answers · asked by Unoptrid1aq 4 in History

They did drown. Except a precious few. Since soul-spirit does not breath was the flood not water? Does drowning kill the soul as God says it does.

2007-12-27 06:11:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

ok these things are soo fun! i just wanted to see if you guys knew any more or could add anything!

You know your addicted to the Twilight series when....
*you started to us strawberry shampoo
*compare every guy to Edward Cullen
*spend every fee minute thinking about twilight and wishing edward was reel
*wish people would fight over you like jacob and edeard
*the cover of your paper back addition is starting to or already has fallen off form being opened so much
*doodle edwards name in little hearts on the edge of your paper
*you have ton's of icons on your computer aslong as they refer to twilight
*cry every time you read new moon! (cause Edward left) and then you cry again cause Edward and bella get back together!

.....the list goes on and on....
what can you come up with?! help me get more please!!!!

2007-12-27 06:07:31 · 5 answers · asked by Hopeless Romantic <3 2 in Books & Authors

I was aching, talking about my broken heart with a friend, and he said in the grand scheme of things, love is a very small thing. I need to think about my career, my other responsibilities, and see the big picture. Was he right?

My life seems to be in chaos and my soul needs mending. My entire self needs a re-haul. I am drained with regret and loss - something I gave my all to and still kept losing.

Is this Really a very small thing in the grand scheme of things?
Am I really just supposed to brush it off like it was nothing?

2007-12-27 05:58:30 · 11 answers · asked by ? 6 in Philosophy


All was so quiet Christmas morn
after the robbery Christmas Eve
We spent that night, all in one room
And pondered “why’s” about the thieves

No doll for Linleigh, no games for Matt
Closing my eyes these were my dreams
No bike for Tylar, no pup for Trae
No joys that Christmas always brings

So very quiet when I arose
To see Mercedi sitting here
involved in wrapping ‘round her finger
One strand of tinsel left unaware

Slowly awakening sleepy eyes
Said Merry Christmas to all
With smiles on their faces to my surprise
Without stockings on the wall

Dad made a breakfast, an omelette delight
Then we all got dressed for the day
With no presents to open I wondered
How the children remained calm and gay

Giggling quickly turned into grand laughter
Coming from the family den
Dad and I peeked ‘round the corner to see
Children passing that tinsel again and again

2007-12-27 05:57:51 · 9 answers · asked by TrollHunter 3 in Poetry

and why?

and can you tell me what is talking about

for me i like lone eagel and i am reading wings

2007-12-27 05:49:20 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

true or false

2007-12-27 05:47:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

2007-12-27 05:46:24 · 15 answers · asked by earlofsnoh 4 in Books & Authors

But cases where the murderer was an unknown person.

2007-12-27 05:43:58 · 3 answers · asked by wantajeannie 5 in History

We've been together for almost a year and I've always known that he wanted to do acting. Hes really good at it and has a lot of other amazing skills. Well just recently I'd say for about the past month hes really been starting to get noticed. He works for a new website kind of like a myspace and is in the promoting area. Hes gotten really close to some important people that can help him get discovered so hes a lot more busy with them trying to get on there good side so they will help him. Hes out more and has less time to hang out with me now since hes always going out with them working or just goofing off. I understand what hes doing and why hes doing it but I cant help but miss him and wish he had more time to be with me. I want to be supportive but I cant help but get upset when he cant see me.

What do I do?

2007-12-27 05:36:35 · 19 answers · asked by TheLight 5 in Theater & Acting

Does Sherlock Holmes first appear? And is it as a major character in a murder mystery?

2007-12-27 05:34:03 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

Simple things in life that aren't exactly acknowledged as beauty, but just some things that you think are beautiful.
Don't say something stupid like a sunset, everyone thinks that sunsets are beautiful.
I mean like, well I've heard of someone who thinks that the dust being shone floating threw the air is beautiful.
I happen to think that crying is beautiful because it shows genuine emotion and pure innocence of that person
I don't know, just be creative

2007-12-27 05:33:29 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Have you read it yet?

2007-12-27 05:32:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors


the tears that fall
don't comprehend
the way it all
all began
in a flash
selling something out for cash
but you saved
but you had
but you got
now i've got mad
but this is me
and you are where?

2007-12-27 05:30:40 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

trying to get some suggestions on some teen books for my young adult book club

2007-12-27 05:28:46 · 3 answers · asked by Ruby R 2 in Books & Authors

contrast the historical account of events with the dramatic form found in "JULIUS CAESAR".. I need 5 differences between shakespeare's JUlius Caesar and plutarchs original history. historical differences please.

2007-12-27 05:27:20 · 4 answers · asked by johnny 3 in History


i'm compiling a list of books i want to read in the near future. preferrably more grown up books. (i'm 19) i've read all the harry potter so that one's out. but i'm more into psycho. thrillers and love stories. also anything about history. can you give me some ideas?

also what do you consider to be shakespear's best book?


2007-12-27 05:26:50 · 7 answers · asked by blameitonmyblueeyes 2 in Books & Authors

How can I start acting in NYC, where I can actually get paid. What kind of things can I do? I am a 13 year old male, turning 14 soon. And how does having an agent work?

(Like for example how do child stars become so famous, although I want to start simple.)

2007-12-27 05:22:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting