1.What were you doing when you heard the news that the Japanese had bombed Pearl Harbor? How old were you in 1941?
2.What one thing - a phrase, picture, activity - most often comes to mind when you think back of those years?
3.How did food and gas rationing work? What were victory gardens, and did you have one? Did you participate in a scrap drive?
4.In what other ways did ordinary people support the war effort?
5.How did you learn about what was happening overseas? Did you do anything special to keep track of the war news, like keeping a scrapbook?
6. How much time did you spend in school talking about the war?
7.How did the war affect your family life? Did any members of your immediate family go overseas?
8. Did you have any friends that were affected by the war? Explain.
9.What were you doing when you heard that the Atomic Bomb had been dropped on Japan and the war was over? Do you think it was necessary to use the
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