When singing, I find I can sing to about High Bb above the staff with little problem. I can whooh out a High C and bark a D, but I can't seem to reach any higher, no matter how hard I try. Someone told me I need to raise my soft palate. How do I do this? My voice teacher once effortlessly got me to the coloratura F, but I haven't been able to reproduce this. I was shocked at how effortless. He started me softly in falsetto at the C above Middle C and carried me up there on a chromatic scale, but we stopped because it sounded a tad screechy at the top notes. Still I felt like I could have gone higher. But when I'm home and practicing, I cannot reproduce that magical lesson. HELP!!!
How do I raise my soft palate when singing? And how do I sing that F. Obviously, my idol is Minnie Riperton.
5 answers
asked by
Tarie N