Ok creo's and evo's we all know about poluxy and we know what it shows giant man and dino tracks
creos claim it wasa giant man as the atmosphere would support giant lizards, beavers, rhinos which have all been found, so any men around would have been giants too
but lets not babble.
Why do evolutionists simply test this rock and some of the footprints and give us a date?
Why do they never test creo evidence
Just radiodate using some of your methods and tell us what you get
there must be evo scientists with dating techniques in their labs from america repsonding to this question
so why not test the footprints and give us a date for them
that would **** up one group of people
does anyone know why these footprints have not been tested
will someone please test those footprints, using any method you like
at the same time can you also test the mayan claypots, which show the mayans riding on the backs of dinosaurs too
lets test these things and get an answer for everybody
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