Im 13. Ever since i was younger iv always wanted to be an actress. I really love acting and everyone in my drama class at school says im really good including my teacher. i get asked if i go to a drama club all the time but i dont. i used to go to musical theatre but i packed that in as im useless at singing and i wasn't gettin anything out of it as i hated every lesson. its my dream to be on TV one day, in a film or in a soap im not bothered, i just want to act. Im shy but when i get up an perform all that goes away and i get into charcter and i don't care if i embarrass myself. The main problem is i live about a 4 hour drive from the capital city, london, where all the auditions are and where the main shows are filmed so i cant really go. even if i did go and got the part i would have to move there for a bit or get a train. When im older i plan to go to university then get an agent, but how much are they?will i have enough money for on?Please help me acting is all i want to do.Thanks
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Theater & Acting