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All categories - 2 October 2007

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2007-10-02 15:00:39 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

In Michigan where I live there is a budget crises once again so the State Police posts are closing. Not all but too many. Maybe the people who caused this (our governor) should recieve no pay since they aren't doing anything.

2007-10-02 15:00:33 · 1 answers · asked by whata waste 7 in Law & Ethics

Please help me! Can you work out the problem and tell me how you got the answer? Heres the problem:

Write as an algebric expression: the sum of an integer and four times the next consecutive integer.


2007-10-02 15:00:20 · 5 answers · asked by Taylor 1 in Homework Help

they will ever legalize Marijuana ?

2007-10-02 15:00:17 · 21 answers · asked by IT'S JUST ME ! 7 in Polls & Surveys

I don't know if I am asking this right, but basically I want to know how the government is involved in the promotion and influence of ethanol.

2007-10-02 15:00:15 · 5 answers · asked by Kristen P 2 in Other - Politics & Government

I like it, I think it shows us that kids listen to what we all teach them

2007-10-02 15:00:11 · 5 answers · asked by They Love to Hate me 3 in Reality Television

if i were to write a found poem using a list of things, such as a to-do list/table of contents/songs on a cd...am i allowed to write the things out of order or do i have to keep it in the order that is originally presented.

for example, if my list was:

grocery shopping
manicure and pedicure
dog food
post office

can my found poem be:

laundry post
office dog
food manicure

it's a poor example but i hope you get the gist of what i'm saying...THANKS

2007-10-02 15:00:09 · 3 answers · asked by looneyanaid 2 in Poetry

67 Mustang, 302, 450hp on the dyno with nitrous, 4.86 gear, 4 speed, 28x9 MT et-drag slicks. I know nothing about making a leaf car hook.

2007-10-02 15:00:01 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Ford

Reincarnation is not a fundamental Buddhist belief.

You're thinking of Hinduism. They're quite different.

Some Buddhist sects believe in reincarnation, but many do not. Buddha himself never said one thing about the afterlife one way or the other. He said it wasn't "of the moment." The afterlife isn't terribly important in Buddhism. Because Buddhism began in India, where the predominant religion was (and still is) Hinduism, many Buddhists continued to believe in reincarnation. However, many other sects in places like Japan, have a very atheistic view on the afterlife, and believe when we die, we return to the universe, and everything that makes us "us" ceases to be.

I keep seeing people answer the "What do Buddhists believe in?" questions here with "They believe in reincarnation." I just wanted you all to know that that is not necessarily true. Buddhism is not as rigid as other religions, and in fact, many Buddhists have widely different beliefs.

Sorry for the rant. :)

2007-10-02 14:59:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My question: I want to know, out of all the murder victims in the USA per year, how many of them are caused by serial killers?

2007-10-02 14:59:53 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I have a guy friend who is dating someone who I don't trust, and I heard from another friend that she saw her making out with another person. I told him about it, and he asked his gf about it and she told him that she didn't, yet I don't believe it. Now he's mad at my friend for supposedly lying. I was wondering if there is a way that maybe I could get her to tell me if she did or did not cheat on him. She is one of those people who likes to tell just about anyone everything. And I've heard that she cheated on some of her ex-boyfriends.

2007-10-02 14:59:44 · 1 answers · asked by Sarah 1 in Singles & Dating

Fill in the blank. Funniest answer wins.

2007-10-02 14:59:24 · 41 answers · asked by Ohio Gal Rocks! 6 in Polls & Surveys

i do.

2007-10-02 14:59:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I'm starting to think Web Design isn't the right major for me...it stresses me out, I find it tedious and it confuses me a lot. I'm not sure I could be competitive in the field, what do others think an individual must possess to make it in this major/career?

2007-10-02 14:59:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Higher Education (University +)

Not just on Yahoo Answers but in general?

2007-10-02 14:59:06 · 2 answers · asked by Fly girl 7 in Other - Society & Culture

1.) The monthly costs associated with driving a Ford Explorer are the monthly loan payment plus the cost of filling up ur tank with gasoline. If you fill up 3 times a month your total money cost is $520. If you fill up 5 times a month, your total monthly cost is $600. How much is your monthly loan and how much does it cost everytime you fill up with gasoline?

2. A clothing store sells a shirt costing $20 for $33 and a jacket costing $60 for $93. If the markup policy of the store for items costing over $10 is assumed to be linear, write an equation that expresses retail price R in terms of cost C (wholesale price) What does the store pay for a suit that retails for $240.

10 pts to the best answer. please show me how i got 173 and 1/3 = x + b for one equation for the first ? and 120 =x + b for another equation to #1. and my equation to the second one is y = 3/4 X + 6 and 1/3. Am I going in the right direction.

2007-10-02 14:58:40 · 4 answers · asked by mikeperry1991 2 in Mathematics

i've been with my bf for 9 months and i really really care about him. Problem is he just doesn't seem as into me anymore. He'll go all week or a couple weeks in a row without making plans and is calling wayy less.. maybe its just me but i think when i talk to him he looks at me differently. I really really care about him and am thisCLOSE to being in love with him. I know he likes me and all but i think its in a diffferent way than i like him.
I think he likes me if its convenient but isn't really in it for the love.. which is something I WANT.

Also i've been considering but still not lost my virginity to him.

And lately i've been debating whether to break it up with him.

ITs soooo hard but i've just been miserable.. i need to know he cares or not but he can't keep dragging me around like this half dead..

I dunno what do you think??

2007-10-02 14:58:32 · 1 answers · asked by sunshinegirl802 5 in Singles & Dating

Thanks for your thoughts!

2007-10-02 14:58:29 · 6 answers · asked by Mark 1 in Politics

I manage an open mic that some of you might like. Here's a link for a flyer. I don't mean to spam but who knows, you might find it interesting. My question in, who wants to go?


2007-10-02 14:58:23 · 1 answers · asked by GunMetal 2 in Poetry

2007-10-02 14:58:21 · 51 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

with cena and HBK gone and WWE is prob going to make Val champ cause of some stupid idiots

2007-10-02 14:58:12 · 6 answers · asked by Jeff and HBK are the best 4 in Wrestling

Can you help me solve this problem? Can you work it out ? And tell me how you got the answer please?here's the problem:

The perimeter of a rectangle is 42 cm. the length is 3 cm greater then the width. Find the width and length.


2007-10-02 14:58:11 · 5 answers · asked by Taylor 1 in Homework Help

help please

2007-10-02 14:57:51 · 5 answers · asked by Lynn W 1 in Mathematics

I read somewhere that after you have a colposcopy u will have a discharge that has a strong, foul smell to it that I could expect for up to a month.....Is this really true and is it that bad? All serious answers appreciated.

2007-10-02 14:57:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs


2007-10-02 14:57:46 · 4 answers · asked by big_white_dude 2 in Music & Music Players

I went to get my another illinois drivers license done cause I lost my. When I went outside I had found that some one scratched my new 2007 SUV. I was so pissed that some one saw that and didnt say anything. Luckey for who ever did it that I didn't see them otherwise the law wouldn't even be able to stop me from killing a low life like that. I respect everyones property cause every1 works hard for their money so that they are able to have nice things. The place was mainly old people and honestly I have respect for elders but when **** like that is done **** them all they shouldn't be able to driver pass the age of 60.

2007-10-02 14:57:22 · 4 answers · asked by italian Queen Bitch 1 in Law & Ethics

He states that the war is lost and does not support our soldiers.

2007-10-02 14:57:13 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

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