I'll be a sophomore this coming fall at this not much known SUNY college. I want to transfer to a better known SUNY... at least for my major - legal/forensic/criminal psychology. For instance, Binghamton, Stony Brook, Geneseo, Albany, or Buffalo. Or maybe even somewhere else, I don't know yet.
I found a "Transfer Credit Equivalencies" page in my school's homepage. There, I could find out what courses (at my school) equal to what courses (in other schools). Well, out of all the SUNY colleges I have listed above, they only have Buffalo. Does this mean no courses in my school equal to Binghamton, Stonybrook, Geneseo, and Albany?
I'm so new at this stuff, please help me!
Where and how could I find out what courses are transferable?
I want to make up my mind on where I want to apply (to transfer) and what courses I should drop/add for the coming fall semester before I actually start my sophomore year (which is in a few days!) -eek! :-(
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Higher Education (University +)