used steroids, when in fact he was later suspended during the 2005 season for testing positive. Perjury is a serious crime, it's a felony, and he should be held accountable for it, with possilble jail time, etc, whatever punishment that is applicable to his CRIME, and he did commit a CRIME by purguring himself. The only reason why Mark Mcgwire was evasive in answering those questions was because he knew he didn't want to perjure himself, he was smart actually in being evasive. Palmeiro on the other hand, stood up and pointed at one of the Congressmen and said in a very stern voice that he never used steroids, what a freaking liar he is. Then he tested positive a few months later, and is now out of baseball and most likely will not make the Hall of Fame. He will be the first player ever to have over 500 HR's, over 1,800 RBI's and over 3,000 hits and not make the Hall of Fame, what a waste of a career. Hey, at least he made around 100 million in career salary.
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