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can anyone give me a summary for each chapter of the book JOSHUA from the BIBLE? thanks in advance

2007-08-02 05:50:39 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

and also how i can use it in my life

2007-08-02 08:17:48 · update #1

7 answers

That's asking alot there, sister......this may take a bit....give me a few minutes:

Joshua 1
The LORD Commands Joshua
Joshua 2
Rahab and the Spies
Joshua 3-4
Crossing the Jordan
Joshua 5-6
Circumcision at Gilgal
Joshua 7
Achan's Sin
Joshua 8
Ai Destroyed
Joshua 9
The Gibeonite Deception
Joshua 10
The Sun Stands Still
Joshua 11
Northern Kings Defeated
Joshua 12
List of Defeated Kings
Joshua 13
Land Still to Be Taken
Joshua 14
Division of the Land West of the Jordan
Joshua 15
Allotment for Judah
Joshua 16-17
Allotment for Ephraim and Manasseh
Joshua 18
Division of the Rest of the Land
Joshua 19
Allotment for Simeon
Joshua 20
Cities of Refuge
Joshua 21
Towns for the Levites
Joshua 22
Eastern Tribes Return Home
Joshua 23
Joshua's Farewell to the Leaders
Joshua 24
The Covenant Renewed at Shechem

2007-08-02 05:54:01 · answer #1 · answered by primoa1970 7 · 1 1

Book Of Joshua Summary

2016-11-01 21:49:39 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

chapter summary for each chapter of the book joshua (in the bible) NIV VERSION?
can anyone give me a summary for each chapter of the book JOSHUA from the BIBLE? thanks in advance

2015-08-13 05:28:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Go to your local library, look for the religions section. There should be commentaries on each book of the Bible. These would be split into sections for each chapter. Also, a high quality study bible would include a brief summary before each section. I recommend the Scofield Reference Edition of the Oxford Study Bible. You should be able to find a supplier on the web.

2016-03-17 01:16:09 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The version is unimportant - there is very little difference in the different versions, and likely nothing that would show up in an outline. Here: http://www.aibi.org/dbbo/joshua.pdf or, if you don't like this one, do a search for "bible book outlines".

I hope this helps.

Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/

2007-08-02 06:04:44 · answer #5 · answered by JimPettis 5 · 1 0

Does it have to be NIV? I thought you may be interested in knowing what the original Hebrew writings stated? Sorry I can not help with the NIV.

2007-08-02 05:55:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

USING THE BOOK OF JOSHUA IN YOUR LIFE? Well, in general I always try to associate all scripture to myself personally. For instance In Chapter 1, verse 7. I would say it this way " I, Joan, Will be of Good courage as the lord Commands when things are not going my way. I will strive to keep the commands of the Lord as Jesus and the apostles directed, striving to be a disciple and an example to others. If I do these things and not compromise my principles, the Lord will prosper me"
Of course I try to take the characters of the Bible as my examples, but I always try to find key passages that I can relate to myself, so that the Word of God speaks to me. I find that if I combine prayer with this that the Holy Spirit leads me to specific passages that enlighten and bless me each day in my study.

CHAPTER 1-The Lord speaks to Joshua—He is commanded to be of good courage, to meditate upon the law, and to keep the commandments—He prepares Israel to enter Canaan

CHAPTER 2- Joshua sends spies to Jericho—They are received and concealed by Rahab—They promise to preserve Rahab and her household.

CHAPTER 3- Joshua leads Israel to Jordan—The Lord cuts off the water of Jordan; it stands up as a heap, and Israel passes over on dry ground.

CHAPTER 4- Israel places twelve stones to commemorate crossing of Jordan—Joshua is magnified before Israel as they cross Jordan—After priests bearing the ark pass over, the river returns to its course.

CHAPTER 5- Inhabitants of Canaan fear Israel—Males of Israel are circumcised—Israel keeps the passover, eats fruit of land, and manna ceases—Captain of the Lord’s host appears to Joshua.

CHAPTER 6- Jericho is taken and destroyed—Only Rahab and her household are saved.

CHAPTER 7- Israel defeated by people of Ai—Joshua complains to the Lord—Achan and his household destroyed because he disobeyed the Lord in taking of spoils of Jericho.

CHAPTER 8- Joshua uses an ambush, takes Ai, and slays its inhabitants—He builds an altar in Mount Ebal—Words of law, both blessings and cursings, are read to people.

CHAPTER 9- Gibeonites by craft obtain a league with Israel—Joshua makes them servants to congregation of Israel.

CHAPTER 10- Israel defeats Amorites and their allies, and the Lord casts stones from heaven upon them—Sun and moon stand still—Divers kings and cities destroyed—The Lord fought for Israel.

Joshua and Israel conquer whole land, destroying many cities and nations.

CHAPTER 12- Two kings on east of Jordan, and thirty-one on west, are conquered by Israel.

CHAPTER 13- There remains some lands yet to be possessed—Some inhabitants not expelled—Inheritance of Reuben, Gad, and one half of Manasseh confirmed.

CHAPTER 14- Land divided by lot among nine and a half tribes—Caleb inherits Hebron as a special reward for faithfulness.

CHAPTER 15- Judah given inheritance in Canaan—Jebusites dwell with Judah at Jerusalem

CHAPTER 16- Children of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) receive their inheritance—Some Canaanites continue to dwell among Ephraimites.

CHAPTER 17-Manasseh and Ephraim both receive an additional inheritance—Ephraim to drive out Canaanites from the hill country.

CHAPTER 18- Tabernacle of congregation set up at Shiloh—Benjamin receives inheritance by lot

CHAPTER 19- Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and Dan receive their inheritances by lot.

CHAPTER 20- Six cities of refuge appointed for those guilty of manslaughter

CHAPTER 21- Levites receive forty-eight cities with their suburbs—The Lord fulfills all his promises and gives Israel rest

CHAPTER 22- The two tribes and a half are dismissed with a blessing—They build an altar of testimony by Jordan to show they are the Lord’s people—It is not an altar for sacrifices or burnt offerings

CHAPTER 23- Joshua exhorts Israel to be courageous; keep the commandments; love the Lord; and neither marry among nor cleave unto remnants of Canaanites who remain in land—When Israel serves other gods, they shall be cursed and dispossessed.

CHAPTER 24- Joshua recites how the Lord has blessed and led Israel—Joshua and all the people covenant to choose the Lord and serve him only—Joshua and Eleazar die—Bones of Joseph, taken from Egypt, are buried in Shechem.

2007-08-02 06:11:14 · answer #7 · answered by Gma Joan 4 · 2 0

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