why is it that when a teenager has something to say about their parents, they are very likely to be shot down by a bunch of angry, cynical, sneering crabs who say things like "shut up you ungrateful kid. if you're smart you'll just shut up. SHUT UPPPP!!! parents are LAWWWWWW"
obviously, i did not come onto a site called "ask yahoo" to shut up. i have a concern/frustration/inquiry and just because i am younger than my parents i don't have to "shut up". being a "youngen", i still feel that i am entitled to speak as all of you, and i strongly feel that asking a sincere question only to be "shut up"-ed is not appropriate. i mean, yes, i have a grievance against my parents. does that mean that i'm a spoiled little b****?
why couldn't we all be just a little more compassionate and understanding here? don't we come on this site to help others, not spew our hatred and sinister sarascm from the safety of our spinny-chairs?
thank you. if i get answers that say "shut up", i'll just..laugh
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