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All categories - 26 June 2007

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i have never herd any thing about again since i was ten years old what became of it are we trackig it did it die off?

2007-06-26 11:28:50 · 5 answers · asked by afarmboy87 2 in Other - Environment

I was in the store buying a large bag of Purina Dog Food for my dog and was in line to
check out. A woman behind me asked if I had a dog........ Duh! I was feeling
a bit crabby so on impulse, I told her no, I was starting The Purina Diet
again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital
last time, but that I'd lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive
care unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.
Her eyes about bugged out of her head. I went on and on with the bogus diet
story and she was totally buying it. I told her that it was an easy, inexpensive diet and that the way it works is to load your pockets or purse with Purina nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry.
The package said the food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it
again. I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a tall guy behind her.

2007-06-26 11:28:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

This is for a birthday present. The person likes candles. I want to get her some kinda scented candles and a cool stand for them...you know, maybe something antique/ancient looking, maybe something postmodern looking...but it had to look stylish. For example:
that...is very cool.

I've been to 2 candle stores in the area but they have nothing but candles themselves...all colors/sizes/scents...but that's ALL they have. Where can i get this type of stand?

2007-06-26 11:28:12 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Decorating & Remodeling

He didn't create the world.
He created the planet.

and this is how He did it.

First His name is TODD(pronounced ta-d)
Second He is one (german) which can be seen as eIn.


One (german) TODD

eIn tad creates the planet when you re-aarange the letters.


Son of the LORD GOD is the son within LORD which in times new roman font is the name TODD.

Also if as bible dictates "all things to glorify LORD GOD" is correct then God pronounced Gawd means the Tod within A times new roman font God is pronounced TawD or Ta-d or Tod means the STOP sign glorifies God's name Tod.(ie TODD) and since this same TODD also is called Larry the french version of the STOP sign contains (thus glorifying God's name) I ARRET ... (using the left edge as the L) thus God's name is pronounced IARRE T. (for TOD) and the world described this same God as


meaning DIO was IIII I .
DIOS was IIII I . S\\(ie Sil when your S has the \ at the top end)
GOT T=CuT nuT iT

Thus that same LARRY TODD had/has as DIO-type seal(sil,[iL) on His glorified body appearring like IIII I ., And like the bible says only He knew the name written on His body, i guess because the huMan brain was incapable of understanding the mind of God.

Now if you care to understand God look up those foreign words: DIO,DIOS,DIEU,DEUS, SHANGDI, GOTT, and then understand that they had to be created that way because all things were commanded by the bible to GLORIFY LORD GOD and obviously somebody did exactly that, thus your entire civilization seem to glorify Me.

And truthfully i didn't create the world, WORLD which in times new roman font glorifys Me again in that the W has a T, thus God put His name on the WORLD, see the name TOD. So when somebody accuses Me of stealing i just must remind them I put my name on it. Even your name has a form of My name is a bet, i would say, if you use the right font or style. So ancient wrtters were smarter then modern day man because they obviously saw the implications of my theory and wrote about it.

ex. the WORD existed before God, and God because the very WORD. it means see God's name of TODD within the WORD.

ex. The Lamb that was SLAIN is/was/will be the King of KINGS and Lord of LORDS who was/is/will be called GOD.
And SLAIN read between the lines spells SiL A I IV(where I=I and IV=IIII) thus looking at the IIII I on His arm upside down we see it's I IIII. And reading the english version bible i get the opinion that the Lamb SLAIN didn't become the king of KINGS until after He was SLAIN so obviously SLAIN means Sild as shown and not permanent death.

ex. DEATH glorifies GOD because read reverse its h. taed(ie pronounced herr TODD, a reference to His part-germanic roots.) And thus some said God is the FATHER(pronounced FAT HERR) also read between the lines FAT IL lER\=FATHER who is also the SON of the LORD GOD meaning HIS name TODD from within the LORD.

I can only assume that since My father died a LORD of German roots adopted Me or of Cree ROOTS adopted Me and i because noble. Thus mathematically and visually

Cree Lord=31855 1215184=44=8
thus after summing those things up we ultimately find
Cree Lord=God=Deutsch

I state that its possible that I AM God based on thus theories.
Meaning it's possible that My father could have been from an old line of Cree kings.
and to distinguish from imposters to the throne of heaven God was forever know as the I AM (this is stated in Ex. 3.14 in the Good News Bible) and visually I AM=I AIVI sealed together) meaning I A IIII I sealed together.

And reason that some bible say God is Jehovah or Jesus is because Satan in His rebellion against God can't stomach that God is not HIMSELF.

The bible staes God (the true God) glorifies HIMSELF in HIM thus also must in HIMSELF thus See God=8=H means that

HIM shows(glorifies) H(GOD) I M(IVI sealed together)
HIMSELF glorifies H(GOD) I M(IVI sealed together) SE(SEE) LF(LEFT as in HIS LEFT RIST as on Me.

So you can see why my life would be in danger, because some in north america and europe and asia don't recoqnize native kings. But visually with a quick look you can see God the h isn't with the kings as the h but is with the chiefs as the h. And nothing in the world can change that sematic lession.

Irregardless of My fate, i hope that writting lasts as long as the people of this planet (that i created(joke)) walk the earth, and maybe one day will honour the EARTH meaning between the line it reads [iL /AR\ T H(GOD). Then all this crap about worshipping God or angels can end the debate about the God was was beginning and end(A and Z) and the ONE(1), meaning God is A,Z,1 ie all are forms of .seventeen mixed up and sealed together. Which is a description of Me ie a Stevens.n(where e+e(upside down)=S)

So removing Satan influence from the bible we can assume that some pronounced LARE TODD STEVENSON mixed up and sealed together fits many of the descriptions of the LORD called GOD of the bible. If your God was the king of the abyss of angels known as Abaddon, Satan of Hell would have you beleive God is A'bad'don but God rightly points out
false god=61121957154=42=6=f
don=false god

but god points out
where b visually equals DI sealed together meaning appearring like IIII I sealed together as on God the father(r)

So to answer a question with a question who is God who equals God Most High=Real God=God of WAR.

see name /AR\ TAD (pronounced LARRY TODD) is of(from ) the times new roman font Word WAR?

as a joke i even put My name on your EMPEROR or IMPERATOR as reading between the lines we see the pronounciation of GODS name IER\ TOD on both. So if putting you name on someone means you are owned by them, i guess what some bible writters agreed to print we see you are all said to be owned by God or Satan. And what if Satan really did have a 1000 year seal put on HIM by God? Then 1000=M=IVI sealed together. So God with His own hand put a 1000 year seal on Satan who is said to be the Devil. And guess Satan was called a rebel because of His ties to God meant He tried to fake kill God. And thus in the back pages of the "New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures" we see they state Satan ruled the world as a god.

Guess that means ruled as in with a ruler or Ruler (his chosen queen). Some ruler as known as Total Stations which God Himself has much experience with. Also they say His queen rules the oceans and thats the key to ruling the world. Guess i liked the roman method of ruling the world because i have more experience building roads then sailing or fighting. So translation of the bible to german would make God the ONE into GOTT der EIN(where EIN=[iL I IV(sealed together) so perhaps this two thousand year thing about God and Satan's war is really about Me and i solve for all time the mystery of God's new name because i had His old name?

So what does your churchs have to say about that? are your knights all screaming blasphemy like idiots of old? or will you honor the 1st commandment which says worship no god but Me.(Me =IVI sealed together e=arm)
note me=lerri(mixed up and sealed together)

and you really have no reason to be mad with me, it's your civilization that supposedly created the WORDS, i was born into them, just as one ancient writter predicated. perhaps to fullfill the prophesy i should put the tattoo "king of KINGS and Lord of LORDS" on my Leg(left one), or would that be blasphemy? even though one bible said to be imatator or God or Christ (i remember which).

And though Me this supposed fighting between Islam and CHRISTIAN can cease because read between the lines we see:

Islam=I is larri(a proper m is made with 3 r's ie rrr(sealed together) making Islam=I is larry (sealed together)

and CHRISTIAN shows C (GOD) RIST I A IV/ (sealed together)

And to acient followers of the GODDESSES we see that Her son can be none other then TODD in times new roman font times.

So that was/will be the legacy of mine that i leave to the world, and live in peace it's much more fun then war. And if i can provide for a family of five with less then 35,000 dollars CAN per year then you rich educated families should be taxed just a little more, less nose candy can make our poor children have more fun. Also all you killings have given my a phychological complex that makes it difficult to work, thus i write now more then i do work.

2007-06-26 11:28:07 · 7 answers · asked by Lord of all Earth 2 in Religion & Spirituality

If I am a State citizen how do the laws of Federal Income Tax apply to me.

Aren't those laws exclusive to the District of Columbia and to those businesses who sell Tobacco, Firearms and Alcohol only?

And as far as the forms sent to me every year telling me to pay based on the monitored earnings attached to my social security number, Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(d), (I've added the emphasis):

"The SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT NUMBER ISSUED to an individual for purposes of section 205(c)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act shall, except as otherwise be specified under regulations of the Secretary, be used as the identifying number for such individual for purposes of this title."

Search as much as you want, but you won't find an issued account number. Yet, this is what your tax law wants. Every April 15th, you swear a perjury oath to the federal god that you have a number that does not exist

Can someone help answer my question and address"account number"is it a private bank

2007-06-26 11:27:59 · 4 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in Other - Taxes

If I am a State citizen how do the laws of Federal Income Tax apply to me.

Aren't those laws exclusive to the District of Columbia and to those businesses who sell Tobacco, Firearms and Alcohol only?

And as far as the forms sent to me every year telling me to pay based on the monitored earnings attached to my social security number, Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109(d), (I've added the emphasis):

"The SOCIAL SECURITY ACCOUNT NUMBER ISSUED to an individual for purposes of section 205(c)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act shall, except as otherwise be specified under regulations of the Secretary, be used as the identifying number for such individual for purposes of this title."

Search as much as you want, but you won't find an issued account number. Yet, this is what your tax law wants. Every April 15th, you swear a perjury oath to the federal god that you have a number that does not exist

Can someone help answer my question and address"account number"is it a private bank

2007-06-26 11:27:40 · 7 answers · asked by scottanthonydavis 4 in United States

Hey everyone, today is my little sister's 8th birthday!

I was wondering if you could all just say Happy Birthday to her.

I would like to get 50 answers to give to her, so if you could help, it would be greatly appreciated!


2007-06-26 11:27:39 · 65 answers · asked by Control 3 in Polls & Surveys

my teeth are straight but really pointy. What to do. I don't have insurance because i'm going though college but still. it looks really really horrible.

2007-06-26 11:27:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

2007-06-26 11:26:54 · 7 answers · asked by djsalv01 1 in Law & Ethics

Is there anything, like a counsler, but not for mental health issues, more for philosophical issues. Similar to a pastor for religious people, but, uh, not religious?

I really need to talk to someone impartial and reasonably non judgemental (but willing to call me on any BS I am convincing myself of) about things that are not emotional or practical issues, more philosophical.

What kind of thing am I looking for? Is there a name for a person with such a role?

2007-06-26 11:26:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am conducting a poll to see if the Yahoo community is more republican or democratic.
And include if you are conservative, liberal, moderate or whatever if you wish.

2007-06-26 11:26:47 · 17 answers · asked by Kalinka 3 in Elections

2007-06-26 11:26:38 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

So I asked a question a few weeks ago about wanting to start expanding my use of spices and seasonings, and got some great answers of which ones people use most often. But now what? How do I actually start cooking with them? Do you have any fairly simple recipes that can help get me started? I cook often, but mostly classic, easy dinners... I'd like to start branching out. Thanks~

2007-06-26 11:26:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes

what college should i be looking at if i want to become a pilot

2007-06-26 11:26:34 · 3 answers · asked by Browns93 3 in Higher Education (University +)

1) U-235 releases an average of 2.5 neutrons per fission while PU-239 releases and average of 2.7 neutrons per fission. Which of these elements would you expect to have a smaller critical mass?
2) Fermi's original reactor was just barely critical because the natural uranium that he used contained less than 1% of the fissionable isotope U-235 (half life 713 mil. years.) What if, in 1942, the earth had been 9 billion yrs old intead of 4.5 billion years old? Would Fermi have been able to make a reactor go critical with natural uranium?
3) If uranium was split into three segments of equal size, instead of two, would more or less energy be released? Why?
4) Why is there, unlike fission fuel, no limit, to the amount of fusion fuel that can be safely stored in one locality?

2007-06-26 11:26:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

2007-06-26 11:26:13 · 21 answers · asked by Malcolm uses Xbox 360 Avatar 7 in Polls & Surveys

My boyfriend and I have been dating for over 2 years and lived together for over 1. We are both very content with our current situation and plan to get married when the time is right, I am 24 and he is 30. How do I respond when my mom and grandma ask "When are you guys getting married" or "when am I going to have a grandchild/great grandchild?" My 21 year old cousin just got married and I feel this is way too young and I don't feel I am in any rush. They say these things everytime we get together, even in front of other people and insinuate something is wrong with me for not being married by now. My mom used to defend me to my grandma, but as I get older she starts joining in too. I find these comments incredibly rude, but want to respect my family, any good responses for this uncomfortable situation?

2007-06-26 11:26:09 · 9 answers · asked by Snarf 3 in Etiquette

2007-06-26 11:26:07 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

i don't think i like anything less then those wrinkly little humiliated, sucked up grapes

2007-06-26 11:26:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

On live TV she refused to cover the Paris Hilton story this morning on MSNBC. Refusing to report fluff as news deserves praise. It's time that journalists took their jobs more seriously.

Call NBC news at 212-664-4444 and give her the praise she deserves.

2007-06-26 11:25:59 · 2 answers · asked by z_o_r_r_o 6 in Media & Journalism

who sings the rock song called woman

2007-06-26 11:25:52 · 10 answers · asked by jose b 1 in Other - Music

I was told the market is better in the spring and summer. I am interested in real estate and wanted to know how slow the market will be going into the fall season.

2007-06-26 11:25:48 · 3 answers · asked by ? 3 in Renting & Real Estate

I have some old Azalea in my yard that were beautiful when we moved in 6 years ago. Then last summer one by one they started to die off. Usually a branch will die here and there on the shrub. The branch will have very small leaves on it and then it will just die out. I sprinkle Siven (sp) Dust on them once a month for the past 2 years after I had an attack of lacebugs.
I don't have moles or volves in my yard so I am not for sure what is going on. One very large Azalea that I pulled out and threw back in the woods actually had flowers on it after it sat in the woods on top of the soil. So there is still life in them. I scatch the branches with my nail and it's green under the bark just no leaves. Can anyone help me out on this. I have over 75 Azaleas in my gardens and I don't want to loose them. Thank you for any help you all can provide to me on this issue.

2007-06-26 11:25:48 · 2 answers · asked by nthernlites40 4 in Garden & Landscape

Okay... I'm in middle school and most people my age at my old school that were gonna get braces had already had them, but not me. I have to loose my molars, but I'm not sure I will, because my brother, who has had his braces, retainer, and his wisdom teeth pulled has never lost a molar. I want to only get braces on my front teeth, cause I think that even if I do loose my molars that my front teeth will only need to have braces. How do I convince my parents?

Also, my friend had braces, and our school colors are green and yellow, she got them, and they look horrible, but I will go to a dif. ortha than her, so is it worth getting yellow and green?

2007-06-26 11:25:41 · 7 answers · asked by ƒσx Đιяτ-βικιŋğ ğιяι 3 in Dental

fedest.com, questions and answers