a college that provides accommodations for students with learning disabilities and wont automatically throw me at a community college. If i start i wanna get my gen eds out of the way right away not beat around with uncorrelating courses for 2 years just to be able to take my gen eds. I have a 3.8 high school gpa, was in the NHS,NTHS, and the NSHSS, am an eagle scout and want to become a full time teacher.IAm 20 years old and i took community college courses before and they don't give you appropriate accommodations ( 2 minuets of extra testing time max) and about 7/8ths of all the courses just involve tests (iam a horrible test taker, 1320 sat) The only way I can really do college is if some college unconditionally will take me with the above stated conditions. How do i go about getting a college to accept me without throwing me at a community college first. lam in a bad position , this things absolutely must happen for me to ever go back to college. thats the only way period.
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Higher Education (University +)