Okay, I'm in Honors College at my University, so I have to take two courses (one lecture, one discussion) in 'Human Situation' it's a type of english class (much harder than Freshman English Compsition). Also I'm taking Honors Biology (I'm pre-med, so it'll look good) and a 3 hour Bio Lab. Also, I'm taking Intro into Methods Psych and an hour Lab... andddd, I'm takinng Statistics in Psych.
So listed out, I'm taking:
Human Sit. Lecture (3 hours)
Human Sit Discussion (3 hours)
Honors Bio (3 hours)
Bio Lab (3 hours, but counts as 1 hour)
Intro of Methods Psych (3 hours)
Methods Psych (1 hour)
Stats in Psych (3 hours)
So technically I'm taking 19 hours, getting credit for 16 hours.
I also want to get more involved in organizations I'm in (AAHSA, NSCS, Alpha Lambda Delta) , and I want to work (15 hrs a week)...
Am I taking on too much? Should I cut out a class, though I heard that the two psych I'm taking classes are kinda easy.
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Higher Education (University +)