I know there are ten cynics for every one person who thinks they have a genuinely novel e-business venture idea, but I am eager to develop what I believe is a highly marketable and original online project. The problem is that, although I have a clear picture of how I want the site and company to operate, I am an academic (psychology professor) without any practical experience in the online business community. That is to say, I know next to nothing about what it takes to develop a new e-business, marketing, advertising, financing, and so on. I need an energetic and experienced collaborator on this project (one whom I could trust, obviously) who is interested in putting his or her head together with me to make this really work. I've thought about approaching colleagues who have some web expertise, but I really need an expert on the business end of things, and none of these people qualify. Where in the world would I look to find such an energetic and experienced person?
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