I'm stuck on this question in my text book
Show for any 2 non-zero complex numbers
Log(z_1 z_2) = log_z1 + log_z2 + 2N(pi)r
Where N is either 0, +1, -1
I'm pretty good normally with this stuff, but the notes (or text) don't cover how to calc arg(z) or really explain the whole chapter very well
This is what I know
Log(z_1 z_2) = log_z1 + log_z2 (this is a formula that is given - so my main prob is that is the question and answer with out the 2N(pi)r... so how does it also equal the quesiton I'm asking???)
I also know
log(z) = ln|z| + iArg|z| + or = 2 (pi)ki (where k=0,1,2..)
and log(z) = ln + i(\omega + 2n(pi))
I can almost see the answers in the formulas but don't understand how they work because they all claim to equal log(z) so which ones to I use in the product to get the answer, and also at what point do I need to use the values for N ?
Any help or advice will be much appreciated! :)
3 answers
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hey mickey you're so fine