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All categories - 6 March 2007

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2007-03-06 18:34:38 · 7 answers · asked by Direktor 5 in Polls & Surveys

the Ten Commandments or Jesus mentioned in the Constitution or in any federal law pertaining to the required following of the Bible?Is the sentence "you shall have no other God before me" or the sentence "You shall not make for yourself an image, whether in the form of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth" found in our laws?

For those of you who don't understand what it is I am asking, I am aware of the separation of church and state.But some fundamentalists aren't.They insist that America is a Christian nation and was founded on the Bible.They claim that everything American was born in their faith.And they insist that we must return to this "past time" of being true Christians who follow the Bible.So, this question is directed at them.

2007-03-06 18:34:35 · 11 answers · asked by Demopublican 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Me and a few guy friends are gonna be staying at the hyatt in acapulco for spring break next week. I was just curious if anyone has stayed there recently or can tell me about their experience. How is the food, bars, pool side entertainment, service? anything will be appreciated ... also is it easy to walk down the beach to other hotels during the day time to party at other hotel pools? thanks!

2007-03-06 18:34:32 · 7 answers · asked by Fantasy Football Addict 2 in Acapulco

For me it's tied between people who frequently ask serious questions where you look stuff up for them and then don't even bother to pick a best answer and pepole who vote for the first answer so they get points instead of actually reading the answers and making a decision. Lazy monkeys.

So go on, let it all out, have a vent :>)

Ps, anyone who says 'questions like yours' will be getting no points for originality, or lack there of!!

2007-03-06 18:34:25 · 40 answers · asked by Pretty Tough Girl 3 in Polls & Surveys

were looking for the nice beach in batangas,, and will allow to bring foods so we can just cook inside to save money.. any recommend

2007-03-06 18:34:22 · 3 answers · asked by ahnnee 1 in Philippines

my stock spring is for 195 lb i am 250 lb

2007-03-06 18:34:12 · 3 answers · asked by cred4176 1 in Motorcycles

Like Al Capone or John Gotti. I really don't know much about this stuff so I'm not sure what either of these men have really done but yea I'm looking for an interesting American to research and so far I have Ted Bundy and I need like two more people so someone in the Mafia and one more person...

2007-03-06 18:34:11 · 4 answers · asked by melodie6384 1 in History

2007-03-06 18:33:45 · 12 answers · asked by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-03-06 18:33:44 · 16 answers · asked by Girl Nobody 2 in Polls & Surveys

I was in a relationship with a Jehova's Witness and she said that it's not right and the Bible says it. Is that true?

2007-03-06 18:33:42 · 4 answers · asked by Tommy D 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Anyone know of a good mp3 ringtone maker's? Preferably free? Thanks!

2007-03-06 18:33:31 · 8 answers · asked by annie 6 in Cell Phones & Plans

is there anyone else here blind like me?

2007-03-06 18:33:26 · 18 answers · asked by up4anything 5 in Polls & Surveys

Im just wondering cause my friends masterbate and tell me how it feels plus they love having sex with there boys but hey sex is something spiritual so im trying to find out if guys think its normal for a girl to masterbate?

Please take this question seriously and not as some sick joke or anything! Because im being very serious ok !

2007-03-06 18:33:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

He broke up with me among other reasons because of the distance; I'm in New York; he's in Tokyo. We started dating in Tokyo, then I had to move to New York. The break up was not mutual, but it was open ended, in that he did not completely rule out the possibility of getting back together once I moved back to Tokyo. I'm moving back to Tokyo to start work there in May; he doesn't know that yet. He wanted to be friends and as friends, he would email me at the same rate, he said, and I can call him on the phone, we can meet in Tokyo "as friends". But he is responding quicker to my emails, initiating conversations, and he writes me: "[my name], hello. [my name], fundamentally there is no problem. [my name], by the way now are you coming to Japan in April?" I am wondering why he wants to know whether I'm coming back to Japan and why is he talking to me more? When I asked him, he said there is no one new.

2007-03-06 18:33:23 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

I haven't worn much make up before but am now trying to use it more. I can do everything else but eye shadow and I want to learn different methods on applying it. I'm also not very good with choosing colors and would like help. Oh, and I also have green eyes. Thanks.

2007-03-06 18:33:12 · 11 answers · asked by marinegurl1014 2 in Makeup

2007-03-06 18:33:10 · 1 answers · asked by rohitchain 1 in Careers & Employment

I have two male pits 'n I JUST DONT WANT TO GET RID OF ANY OF THEM. But one is very aggressive towards the other one, and is always trying to fight him especially when I'm around both of them. I don't know what to do, it hurts so much to see them fight 'n hurting eachother....It's just a night mare. I'm so confused that I can't even make a right decision on what to do with them :(

2007-03-06 18:33:01 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2007-03-06 18:32:31 · 3 answers · asked by mihaela p 1 in Skin Conditions

Someone said I was dumber than a bag of ______.

First one who gets it will be chosen as best answer.

2007-03-06 18:32:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

Ive been together w/someone for a long time, & I love him dearly.
He's my best friend and confidant and I can't imagine my life without him.

However, in the last year, our relationship has deteriorated.

i'm a recovering bulimic and drunk. and he's a good natured mama's boy, who hides under a tough macho exterior.

It was all very sweet in the first year, up until he tried to control me. Naturally I rebelled & tried to break up with him but he'd insisted he'd change. he didn't.

Months later i met a cute guy at a cafe. he made me feel beautiful and intelligent. & before you know it, we were making love.

Boyfriend knew something was going on, but he refused to break up because he considered me his "soul mate'.

peace for some time, until boyfriend calls enraged after going thru my emails.

I feel sick and guilty. I need space. I hate feeling like I have no control. Bulimia returns. I just want to be alone. he wants to be with me all the time. I'm isolated. so empty no friends

2007-03-06 18:32:23 · 5 answers · asked by butters 2 in Singles & Dating

Are there any health benefits to eating raw eggs? I think they're tasty, and several people have told me it is good for you.

2007-03-06 18:32:19 · 11 answers · asked by theteabegreen 3 in Diet & Fitness

My 3 year old turtle's shell has gone whiteish-yellow, more obvious when it is dry. It looks flakey but its not soft or spongy. You can see his markings a little around the edges and the outline of the shapes but otherwise its white. Not sure how long its been like this cos just got it back from turtle-sitters a couple of months ago. It basks a lot but maybe not getting enough uv cos the light is placed on top of the glass lid. Any suggestions before i spend $$ at the vet?!

2007-03-06 18:32:08 · 5 answers · asked by kerry b 1 in Reptiles

I have to remove my belly button ring as there is little skin still holding it in place and I would like to re-pierce it as soon as possible.

2007-03-06 18:32:06 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fashion & Accessories

Harsher punishments for more deterrence, more focus on rehabilitation and less on punishment, vice versa, more responsible parenting, reduction of gangs, tougher gun laws, physical punishment for some crimes, or come up with your own answer! This is a survey for a school project. The idea is that hopefully hundreds of people will answer and my teacher will be think that a lot of effort went into this, thus he will be impressed, so please answer!

2007-03-06 18:32:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

for people who have tried prozac, or know about it (such and doctors or whatever):

does prozac cause weight loss as well as treat depression?

if you know a source where it says this, as in scientifically proven, can u please add that as well?


2007-03-06 18:31:59 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mental Health

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