2 bdrs front rm, family rm, dining rm , kitchen, utility rm patio off the kitchen, small basement, new furnace and water heater, roof is 3yrs old shade trees in back yard, small detatched garage, front porch, all new carpet in the living rm family rm and dining rm, both bed rooms have hard wood floors. neighbors do not bother you. very low taxes. If you like a small country town and living you`ll love this house. Population about 1,500 people. my heat bill runs on the average of$98.00 a month and the electric bill around $72.00 a month water sewage& garbage collection $45.00 a month. If you have a garden or swiming pool the will give you a 20% discount on two months of your water bill in the summer time. Also if you buy gravel or rock at the local rock quarry the city will deliver it to your house free of charge. I had all new insulation put in this house in november od 2006. refrigerater and stove stay with the house, any item you want to buy at a reasonable price will stay with the
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Renting & Real Estate