I have a 28 year old brother who,until Christmas,I had not seen for six years,mainly because of geographical distances,but also because we're not the closest family.Anyway,this year everybody met at my mother's house for the holidays.When I walked in,my brother was sitting on the couch,dressed as a woman,wearing women's clothes,and makeup.
I have to admit I freaked out.I began yelling at him,demanding he "get out of that ridiculous ****" and made a lot of very nasty remarks.To make a long story short,I ended up leaving and driving the 300 miles back home.
Since all this happened,I've talked to my sister,who told me our brother is transgendered and I've researched it and kind of understand it.I have tried to call my brother and talk to him about it,but he refuses to peak to me at all.
There are a lot of things I regret about this,the first being I hurt a member of my family so deeply.And I also regret that I can be so homophobic.
4 answers
asked by
Zapatta McFrench
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender