We was together for 7 years..Since I was 17 and been living together going on 4 years..This wasn't a planned pregnancy but he was REALLY excited and I was the one depressed for awhile. He is from up north and I am from the south. We was supposed to move to Wyoming because his dad could get him a job making 4 more grand a month, we was struggling with bills. His dad called about a month ago and said the job would not be there for long, so he moved up there. I was going see him for 2 weeks so we could pick out a house..He calls me almost 2 weeks ago and breaks up with me..I don't know what is going on with him. He calls me everyday and I only answer every now and then. Last week he was like WE ARE OVER,move on. So, now I am acting like I am moving on and he calls and wants to talk forever, he askes about me all the time. I don't know if he is scared because of the baby..Do you think he will come back? Sorry so long
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