Ok well me and my boyfriend have been together for 3 years and we have a little girl together we arent married but he always wants to get married, well in the past he has done some pretty messed up things such as spending the night w. underaged girls (getting messed up too)) going off with friends to girls houses which everyone told me he kissed a girl there one night. But he gets mad at me for everything it seems like i cant do nothing right or i cant do nothing w.out him being near me. I love him but i think im not in love with him. He has this friend ive known since 9th grade and well i think im falling for him. He makes me smile and im happy when i think about him. Only problem hes what you call a player. My boyfriend hangs it over my head that if we were to break up he would take my daughter away from me and im scared for that. Hes so hateful sometimes and i mean he always wants to have sex no matter what. Im just confused on what i should do im scared he might take her away from
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