if theres any one out there that changed there jobs because of there depression and anxiety,what are they doing now and did it help. i work in the fire fighting service and i am starting to feel like i should hang it up for a while. is this like giving up and giving in to your depression are is it what has to be done if i think my job is part of the problem. i feel bad about giving up the job because i know there are guys out there that would love to do the sort of thing i do. but maybe i am raeching burn out stage. haveing anxiety attacts why i am driving the other guys around. there lives depend on me what if i cause a accident and kill some one are crash the fire truck into a building, i dont feel like i have any choice, i have no ideas what to do. if i could find a new job i would take it but its hard to find any thing where i am at. the only thing that has helped is meds but there not 100% and they make me tired all the time thats all most worst.
21 answers
asked by
devil weed
Mental Health