the fever was 102,5, didnt check in a while, because he is sleeping here with daddy. he is doing fine and happy and ate and talked and smiled.
this morning i went to the supermarket and i saw 2 paramedics and i asked them about it and they said, a little tylenol and if it doesnt go down i should see a doctor in 2 days, but i will go tomorrow.
i read its better not to give medicin so the body can fight the virus better. what do you think?
now i have another question, i already asked about which shoes to buy for my baby who just started walking by himself, everybody suggested very soft and flexible shoes, so yesterday we went to stride ride and they said we have to get stage 3 for babys who walk alone, stage 2 is when they still hold someones hand, but, stage 2 is much flexible and softer then stage 3. we still bought stage 3 as they suggested it, should i go and change them, as eeeverybode sais the softest the better for beginning walkers (can walk by himself).
thanks again
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