my dog, a 9 pound two-year old dug up my candy bag while we were out eating. He found those big hershey's milk chocolate bar, took it to the living room and, from what i think, carved it with his teeth and ate what he carved. He of course didnt eat all of it, when we got home after like an hour or so, there was still a big chocolate bar with a semi-deep carved lump in the middle. He usually greets us at the door excitedly, he reacted the same, everything seems normal, I'm not sure if it's just because I just got home 30 minutes ago, or something will happen later. So i want to ask what should I do? I dont plan on calling the vet or anyone, I just want to know if i should call the vet, or if there is anything i can do at home. I immediately asked and did some research when i got home just now. I dont know what will happen later. So please please help me!!
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