I think the one statement that almost everyone would agree on, given what has happened over the last four years, is that it is difficult, if not impossible, for America to go to war if the American people do not see a threat.
I'm not asking whether the war was right or wrong - the polls are what they are, whether history will judge this war as advisable or not.
Also, do you think pre-emption would ever be a accepted as a justification by a substantial portion of the American public? If not, how do we prevent possible attacks?
Is the choice now to attack every rogue regime trying to get nukes? Or some other strategy, which includes "accepting" a nuclear armed Iran, North Korea, etc.?
Also, would people really have favored the Iraq war if we had found WMDs? Wouldn't he have used them? People predicted 10,000 dead the first month - would people have said "we should have left him alone!"
If the war ended in 2004 would people have complained, even if no WMDs were found?
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American citizen and taxpayer