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All categories - 16 October 2006

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I was thinking of piercing my lip...I'm 14(almost 15)and I was just woundering whats the worst thing that could happen......and why I shouldnt do it?


2006-10-16 03:13:00 · 16 answers · asked by Rebeka T 2 in Other - Health

I have noticed all my life over 50 years that majority rule or will of the people is all to often ruled against by local,state & federal legislation. Generally the few ruling class stand to profit from these laws. Which suggest to me that the tables of rule & control need to be switched if you or I & our families are ever going to live the American dream.

2006-10-16 03:12:38 · 12 answers · asked by bulabate 5 in Other - Politics & Government

When having sex,what do you really think about?I heard it was all about me,don't you agree?

2006-10-16 03:12:36 · 12 answers · asked by fluffer 2 in Men's Health

I need the term for the blue bar above any window pane in Windows. This is where it gives the name of the page you are on in Internet Explorer. I forgot the name of it.

2006-10-16 03:12:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Internet

Would you find it demanding or controlling if your partner/wife ask you to call them if you are going to be late when coming home from work or going impromtu to the pub?I noticed that this was the time when my marriage had started going down the drain.All I did was ask?

2006-10-16 03:12:31 · 31 answers · asked by JUSEve 2 in Marriage & Divorce

ive been skinny for sometime but no matter what i eat i just cant put on weight is there any certain foods or pills which can help.

2006-10-16 03:12:29 · 11 answers · asked by james p 1 in Men's Health

2006-10-16 03:12:28 · 24 answers · asked by frank s 1 in Music

Do anyone have the Pennsylvania Avenue game piece? I'm willing to split the $50,000 prize with you.

2006-10-16 03:12:28 · 8 answers · asked by Absoulute 2 in Board Games

I have four boys, ages 12, 9, 7, and 5, they all have to share a bedroom because we live with my mom and step-dad. Their father is not in the picture right now. Lately, it seems like they are having trouble giving eachother boundries. It's hard to say, but I also think that they may be experimenting sexually with eachother. I know that sounds aweful and I am going to recieve horrible answers, but for the few of you who have maybe dealt with this in the past with your children, I would really appriciate advice. I have no clue how to handle this situation, and I want to deal with it the best that I can. Thank you for your serious answers only.

2006-10-16 03:12:20 · 17 answers · asked by Jeanne 4 in Grade-Schooler

This Raider team is the most undisciplined I've ever seen. Even John Madden said they were embarrassing last night. More than a dozen penalties; how many of those were false starts? Mile High gets loud, but come on.
They exhibit NO effort, NO heart, and NO fire.
Will Art Shell make it through the season? SHOULD he?

2006-10-16 03:12:19 · 10 answers · asked by Lawn Jockey 4 in Football (American)

I have just purchased the following upgrade kit:
Pentium 4 d945 dual core processor
ECS P4M800PRO-M motherboard
1gb DDR 400mhz sdram
Suza advance vision case and 550wat PSU
All for £225 , is this a good settup or have I been scammed ?
What is the D945 like,,, ? anygood ?
Can anyone tell me if I have brought a monkey , or is this settup any good ?

2006-10-16 03:12:18 · 3 answers · asked by DARES 2 in Desktops

Our neighbors say they saw a groundhog digging in our pond, is it possible for the groundhog to dig a hole that will make the pond leak? And if so, how do you fix the hole?

2006-10-16 03:12:16 · 5 answers · asked by MrsBear 1 in Other - Home & Garden

will i fall into space or bound back to the earth and what happen when i reach the core???

2006-10-16 03:12:14 · 6 answers · asked by brucetse23 1 in Physics

have any of you ever gotten pregnant the day after your period is over.

2006-10-16 03:12:07 · 4 answers · asked by ? 1 in Women's Health

What is more Impossible or Improbable to happen in the near or distant future(30 to 100 years).
Time Travel
Christians stopping to believe completely or partially in the Bible and Christ.

2006-10-16 03:12:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2006-10-16 03:11:59 · 11 answers · asked by baby_gurl_48458 1 in Wrestling

He is doing records search for information on me to see if I have a record. He called my girlfriend's lawyer on me because he got me confused with another person with a similar name that has a record. He is in trouble because he is being sued for child support and is trying to come up with ways to not pay up !

2006-10-16 03:11:47 · 10 answers · asked by cooperaaaron 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

Need help in having a successfull business by finding wholesalers and suppliers from around the world that can get my business going with supplies and fillers. Also any other helpful websites, ideas and hints would be appreciated.

2006-10-16 03:11:45 · 8 answers · asked by Lisa B 3 in Small Business

My husband spilt motor oil on his new pair of jeans and I would love to hear some remedies for this so we do not have to buy a new pair. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!

2006-10-16 03:11:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cleaning & Laundry

I need help coming up with an idea of a romantic night with my husband. We have been fighting a lot lately and I want to show him how much I love him. He works at nights so he is home when I get home, and we don't have much money to spend on things like this because we have lots of bills that keep piling up. Please help with inexpensive ideas. Please be serious. I love him very much and would just like to have some quiet evenings of romance. We have no kids, and not much money. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.

2006-10-16 03:11:20 · 12 answers · asked by glitter3317 4 in Other - Family & Relationships

i know that a network switch can filter unnecessary IP TRAFFIC , that is, it doesn't send IP PACKETS to the computer which hasn't the IP ADDRESS of the destination. but you know, an ethernet switch works at physical layer and data link layer, not NETWORK LAYER. so i suppose filtering unnecessary IP TRAFFIC is a router's capability. how can an ethernet switch achieve this? what's its principle?

2006-10-16 03:11:15 · 2 answers · asked by samurai 1 in Security

goin for scan today dating scan might mention to them cant carry on like this .

2006-10-16 03:10:49 · 12 answers · asked by HEATHER L 1 in Pregnancy

'm buying my first car and they are charging me a pre-delivery fee of $249 what is that??
Is it a way for the dealer to take my money or is it a real fee that i need to pay. I don't want them to scam me into something i do not need to pay

2006-10-16 03:10:47 · 12 answers · asked by piper_hc 1 in Buying & Selling

Why is it that every morning the when i turn on the radio to listen to MUSIC all i hear is talking. stupid morning talk. Comeon now. its early and im usually tired. The last thing i want to hear is some shmuck talk about stuff taht is absolutely useless. This is all radio stations. What happened to more rock less talk ??

2006-10-16 03:10:45 · 3 answers · asked by caliboy80 2 in Music

I would like to print some photos I took as big as possible. I have done some google searching to get some resolution guidelines, but the information I have found varies widely.

When printing smaller photos (up to 8x10), I generally like to have at least 300dpi. However, when printing what are considered "poster prints" (11x14 and up), the required, and even recommended, resolution for most printing services drops considerably (down to 150dpi in some cases).

I am concerned about final print quality. Does any one have experience with printing poster prints? I'd love to be able to englarge my photos as much as possible, but I don't want to lose quality and end up with a bunch of expensive colorful pieces of trash.


2006-10-16 03:10:32 · 5 answers · asked by Emma 2 in Photography

fedest.com, questions and answers