How many of You realise that you are being monitored, and lists compiled for possible investigation because you have bum rapped the prez, or the government. Whoever controls the net is in a position to wreak havoc on your life, and many here are now on government lists as "persons of interest". The government isnt stupid, they put this here to see how many are willing to hang themselves. Google is run by ex CIA officials who were into intelegence gathering before working for google. Cell phones can be activated by the government, turning on the mics and cams without your knowledge, and seeing as well as hearing everything that is being said within about a 50 foot distance. I have seen this in action, and think its scary that people dont even know! Ever wondered why the cell phone companies make such sweet deals on service to people? Most of the cell companies are either with the government, or have government employees working in high places within them. Remember "Enemy of The State" ?
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