My child was abused at her daycarecenter. Where I can contact in TX?
From daycare screen I saw my daughter's teacher took her blanket away rudely
from her hand & throw to the top of shelf without any explanations. Let her cryed out by her self. I rushed in, hold her up & went to the
instructor's office rightway.
Next day, the instrutor told me, that teacher said she told my daughter twice to put her blanket away, but my daughter said no.
Also, teacher had bad day she was frisdrdby her family problem. so she did that to my 3 years old daughter. If I wouldn't stop by the screen & find this horrible things rightway, I can't think how poor this little innerscent girl's hopeless day. The instructor also said to me that she does not like I share those information to the other parents. She said I exchange phone number with other parents to share the information at daycarecenter was against law
Standing front of screen, chat,exchang phone # we did all the time.
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