Thousands of people have sued the tobacco industry because their products caused cancer. My question is this: If the FDA approves the ingrediants in our foods and our foods are consumed daily by the public and these foods causes illnesses such as diabeties, obesity and cancer; then i'm curious why haven't consumers sued the government for this? If a person dies from diabeties complications, let's say type II (since that encompasses about 90 percent of diabeties today) wouldn't that in a sense be committing murder in an indirect passive way to the public? Keep in mind the tobacco industry, millions have died because of products this industry produces and it is approved as legal by the United States government. Those that have sued the tobacco industry, knew it was bad for them, they still sued and WON and even though we know sugar and other chemicals in our food are bad, they are consumed by the same people who may have less knowledge of nutrition yet still eat this approved food.
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