That there is poetry is the only
evidence that man truly exists
The Latin American poet quoted above was wise beyond his years. He had the luxury of participating in a culture that still prized the power of the written word as incantation. A machine can be programmed to make everything a man can make - airplanes, pictures, prose, music - but only one craft still requires exclusively the active participation of a human: poetry. Only a human can create and judge great poetry. Yet no poet currently living can make a living from his labor. This is because modern poetry has been written as prose and the public can not name a poet now living. The public does not buy poetry books. They do not expect to be pleased when they see a book of modern poetry in the shops. And they are right.
The poetry of the Greatest Living Poets Project sets out with a new direction. We never publish a poem unless it contains at least one line that will live forever in the language.
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Modern poet