Why do americans think they r better than others ,and they have the right to tell others do this & dont do that,
Even if Iran want to have nuclear weapons,so what?
america and israel have tons of them,america used it before cause japan attaked PH with REGULAR WEAPONS so u droped 2 NUCLEAR bombs(why2bombs?) over them kiling & effecting millions of ppl till today,& used depleded uranium in the war with Iraq,& threatened too many countries including Iran,
If the Iranian president talked about whiping israel,also america already whiped Iraq&Afghanistan & occupied them .
american gov is a TERRORIST gov,and the us president is a radical person & he said before that this is a crusaid war,so he is a terrorist & not a stable person
america is detaining innocent ppl (&kids)in illegal jails with no trial,which is the same brutal acts of the third world countries which america is using as an excuse to attack & invade them
The core of the us military power is the nuclear arsenal
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